Julia’s heart leapt into her throat at the sound of the familiar voice. Her features went slack as Dr. Kyle Carter swept into the emergency room cubicle with his tablet in hand, settling on the side of the bed opposite Grant.

The annoyance on Grant’s features was obvious as he rose from the chair, his unimpressed stare landing on Kyle.

The doctor scrolled through the results.

“Uh, perhaps under the circumstances another doctor would be best.”

Kyle finally pulled his glance up from the screen. He weighed the words with a bob of his head. “Well, you could get another doctor, yes. Or you could keep the best doctor on this staff to make sure Julia is okay.”

“I’m fine,” she answered, attempting to diffuse the situation.

Grant’s jaw flexed, a gesture she now recognized as him trying to show restraint. “I’m certain another doctor would be capable of handling this case.”

“I am, too. But there is no reason for that. While this situation may be awkward due to our recent, and as yet unresolved interactions, I am a professional. And I happen to care about Julia’s wellbeing.”

Grant heaved a sigh.

Julia flicked her gaze between the two of them. The tension still hung heavy between them. She didn’t care which doctor read the results, though, as long as she could go home. “Can we just get the results and get out of here?”

Kyle lifted the tablet and toggled the screen on again. “Yes, you can have the results, but no, you cannot leave here.”

Her heart sank at the news.

“What?” Grant barked.

“You have quite the mix of drugs in your system including benzodiazepines, phenobarbital, and muscle relaxants.”

Julia heaved a sigh at the long list of medications swimming in her system. “But Sierra had the same thing, right? And she went home.”

Kyle offered her a concerned smile with a flick of his eyebrows. “Yes, she did. But she was not also dehydrated with a heart rate that’s elevated enough for me to be concerned.”

“Elevated enough for you to be concerned or any doctor to be concerned?” Grant asked.

Kyle clicked his tongue, setting his narrowed eyes on Grant. “I don’t care for that implication.”

“I’m simply asking since you seem to harbor a great amount of concern for Julia beyond the standard of care.”

Julia interjected again as the tension between the two men heightened. The last thing they needed was another fistfight to ruin the burgeoning relationship between father and son. “Okay, I’ll drink plenty of water when I get home.”

Kyle pressed his lips together as he shook his head. “That’s not good enough. I’m recommending you stay overnight for observation.”

“No!” Grant and Julia said simultaneously, her voice sounding more pleading while his resembled an order.

“Julia, you have a very dangerous combination of drugs still floating around in your system. And I’m concerned it’s taking a toll on your heart. I would not feel comfortable sending you home at all.” He flicked a glance to Grant. “Even if someone kept an eye on you.”

“Which I would,” Grant answered through clenched teeth.

“It would be far better for you to be here with professionals who can give you the proper care you need if any adverse events arise.”

“Adverse events?” Julia questioned as she let her head fall back against the pillow again. “Staying here is an adverse event.”

“Look, if she’s not comfortable staying here, I’m taking her home.”

Kyle heaved a sigh as he flicked his gaze to the floor before he shrugged. “Okay, if it makes you more comfortable. I’ll get you a second opinion. But if the second doctor agrees with me, you stay, deal?”

“Fine,” Julia said with a sigh.

Grant rubbed her shoulder as Kyle left them behind. She slid her eyes closed and rubbed at her forehead.