She glanced behind them at a blond man, his muscles bulging out of his t-shirt as he reached for the holster hanging at his side. Her eyes went wide before she spun and raced for the door.
She instinctively ducked as a bullet whizzed by them, slamming into the wall. A cry escaped her as she slammed into the door and skidded outside.
An SUV sat steps from it, and she sprinted toward it, opening the back door.
“Get inside, Julia,” Kyle ordered as he sat Sierra in the back, slammed the door, and hurried toward the driver’s side.
He slid behind the wheel and fired the engine as the door to the warehouse burst open. Julia’s eyes went wide as the man aimed the gun at them.
A strong hand grabbed her neck and shoved her forward. “Stay down,” Kyle said before he tugged the shifter into gear and stomped on the accelerator. The tires screamed as they sought to find purchase against the pavement.
The car sped forward, and Julia risked a peek over the window when a bullet smacked into the rear windshield. A splintering crack formed across it.
The next crack of the gun did no damage as Kyle continued to put distance between them and the building.
Julia gasped for breath as she twisted in her seat. “Sierra? Are you okay?”
The woman, a terrified expression still etched into her features, nodded. “I–I think so.”
Julia breathed out a sigh of relief as she settled against the leather. She swallowed hard, a mix of emotions springing up from relief to apprehension about their current predicament.
“You’re safe now, Julia.” Kyle’s voice snapped her back to reality. He reached for her hand, but she yanked hers away, still unsure of him and his motives.
The move didn’t please him, as evidenced by the tension in his jaw and his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel.
The car slowed to a stop, and Julia’s heart skipped a beat. “What are you doing?”
“Getting rid of her.” He thumbed to Sierra before he dug into his pocket and pulled out the knife. Flicking it open, he jabbed it toward Sierra. “Get out.”
Julia’s eyes went wide. “What? No!”
“Julia, you promised. Either she gets out here, or I take her back.” He inched the knife forward at Sierra before he tossed his phone into the backseat. “Take the phone and go.”
Julia’s stomach turned. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m leaving her with a phone. She can call for help. She’s fine.”
Sierra grabbed the phone from the leather seat before she snapped open the door. “My daddy is going to kill you for this.”
As she slipped out of the car, Julia grabbed the handle and popped her door open.
“No,” Kyle said, lunging across her to tug the door shut.
Sierra’s door slammed shut and before Julia could react, he shifted gears and tore away.
Julia’s stomach churned as she stared into the side mirror at Sierra’s form, lit only by the taillights before she snapped her gaze to Kyle, her features a mix of fear and disbelief. Guilt gnawed at her along with a sinking sense of dread as she faced being alone with Kyle. “What is wrong with you?”
“I really wish you would stop asking me that. You knew the rules. I got her out of there. She has nothing to do with this conversation. And you’ll want to hear what I have to say.” Julia’s lower lip trembled as she stared at the man.
The room spun, reality tilting on its axis, as Grant grappled with those three words. They’ve been kidnapped. A cold dread cascaded through him, his heart pounding, each beat echoing the terror growing inside him.
“What?” he choked out.
“Someone took them. I couldn’t stop them. I’m shot…I…”