Page 73 of Cruel Tyrant

A wife, a partner, a worthwhile member of this family.

It’s what I’ve always been searching for, and I found it right here in this oasis.

“Uh-oh,” Freddie says, nodding down the block. “Trouble’s coming.”

I follow her gaze and spot Davide sauntering toward us. “Should I run?” I ask her and finish my wine. “He looks like he’s up to no good.”

“He’ll just chase you down,” she says with a sigh. “Might as well face the inevitable.”

Davide stops at the bottom of the porch, one foot on the bottom step, and leans forward against his knee. He’s tanned and strong, his face happy and open, and his muscles press against his tight dress shirt. I’m always amazed at how big he is and how attractive I find him. And it helps that he’s always showing off those delectable forearms of his. Probably because I admitted one time how much they turn me on, which was absolutely a mistake.

“Ladies,” he says, smiling at me. “I heard you two were out here causing problems.”

“Funny,” Freddie says, “we were just saying the same thing about you.”

His eyebrows raise in mock horror. “I’m a saint, Mother. How dare you suggest otherwise.”

“Darling, I know none of my children are saints, but I love you idiots anyway.”

He grins at her and the way they love each other makes my heart triple in size.

“I’m here to borrow my wife,” he says and holds out a hand. “Mind going for a little walk? I’ll return her shortly, I promise.”

“No rush, I’ll be here.” Freddie winks at me and I get up, taking my sweet time, before accepting his hand in mine.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, husband?” I ask as I hold onto his arm and lean against him. We move slowly toward the far end of the oasis, staying on the sidewalk beneath the shade trees. The smell of summer’s in the air: barbecue, coal smoke, and flower pollen.

“What, I can’t come find my dolcezza for no reason other than to enjoy her company?”

“In that case, you have me. Enjoy away.”

He laughs and steals a quick kiss on the corner of my mouth. We walk without talking for a bit and spot Alessandro talking with one of his guards across the street. He’s leaning on his crutches and he looks exhausted, but he always looks exhausted these days. The war’s still going, but it cooled off for the summer; the cops were getting too antsy and were on the edge of cracking down, and both sides decided it was best to take a break. But I’m afraid it won’t last long.

“I’m worried about him,” Davide murmurs, watching his father limp away, a scowl on the older man’s face. “People are talking about him.”

“He’ll be okay,” I say, even though I’m not sure that’s true. I’ve heard the talk too. Everyone thinks Alessandro is in over his head, that he’s too old and too injured, that he doesn’t have the strength to take down Santoro once the fighting starts up again. And everyone agrees it will start up.

I’m worried for him. I’m worried for all of them. But Davide needs me to be steady, and so I’ll be steady.

“You’re right.” He tears his gaze away from his father and gazes down at me, a little smile on his face. “That’s not why I wanted to talk.”

“Oh, now you have a reason to tear me away from my wine and that comfortable chair?” I elbow him playfully. “Better spill it.”

He seems to hesitate, and I know my husband pretty well by now. I can tell he’s about to bring up something he doesn’t like.

“When we first got married, I made you a promise,” he says, speaking softly. “It’s July. I said you could spend the summers at your home in Philadelphia if you wanted, and I swear I won’t hold it against you if that’s something you still want. Honestly, it could even be a good thing, with the war and all.”

“The war’s on ice,” I remind him.

“For now.” He tilts his head and stops walking.

I face him, hands in his. This man has no clue. He’s got absolutely no clue, but I still love him anyway.

“Sure, okay, I’ll go to Philly for a couple months,” I say, keeping my tone light. “Maybe I’ll come back at the end of September, how’s that sound? Three months without me?”

He grimaces and nods his head. “Whatever you want, baby.”

I laugh despite myself and slap him in the chest lightly. “You big moron. You really think I want that?”