“Yeah, I think I really do.”
“Good for you.” She squeezes my hand. “I still think this whole thing is looney tunes insane, but if you like him, I’m happy for you. I really am. Even if he’s only almost nice.”
I roll my eyes, but at least she doesn’t devolve into hysterics again.
Davide shows up an hour later. He appears in the back door wearing a dark suit and staring out at us with an amused expression. I called him earlier to tell him what’s up, so this isn’t a surprise, but I can still tell that having a strange woman in his house makes him a little uncomfortable.
He doesn’t complain about it. Instead, he introduces himself to Giorgia and he drags us both inside so he can make us something to eat. “You two are very drunk,” he declares and starts on the pasta.
“A lady never gets drunk,” Giorgia says, leaning her face on her elbows and making her cheeks go all droopy and weird. “By the way, do you have more wine?”
Davide complies and even pours himself a glass.
By the time dinner is ready, I’m straight-up drunk, and so is Giorgia. We feast like a couple of frat girls at a McDonald’s at three in the morning while my husband sits back looking very amused.
“You should have seen your wife at work,” Giorgia says, waving her fork in the air. “Oh my god, this is really good,” she mutters, taking a bite, before remembering that she was in the middle of saying something. “That girl was driven. I think she wanted to prove herself, you know, since her family sort of owned the firm, right? But she’s a smart little cookie.”
“I’m very aware of that,” Davide says, looking at me. There’s a strange, possessive gleam in his eyes, and I like it.
“They won’t let me work,” I declare, which starts an argument until Davide finally manages to convince Giorgia that he’s looking for a work-from-home job for me and that the rule is there for my protection.
But it effectively ends the night. He helps me get Giorgia set up on a couch in one of my upstairs rooms because—in her words—“no fucking way am I sleeping in this strange-ass cavern you two call a house.” Which is fair and I completely understand.
“I like her,” Davide says as he gets me into bed.
“You mean that?” I roll toward him. He’s sitting next to me, still in his clothes. I snuggle up against his side, feeling heavy all over.
“I really do. She loves you, which means she has good taste. She’s a good friend for coming out here to check on you.”
“She is a good friend,” I murmur, breathing in his smell. God, I love that smell. I love touching him like this and I love when he holds me back. “You know what I told her earlier?” I ask, now on the edge of sleep.
“What’s that?” He strokes my hair. God, I could stay just like this forever.
“That I like you. She thinks it’s cute. I like my husband.”
“You do?” He sounds amused and he leans over to kiss my forehead.
“Mmmm, I do. Is that weird?”
“No, my dolcezza, it isn’t weird at all.” He kisses me again. “Can I tell you something now?”
“You better,” I mumble. “Because I’m about to fall asleep.”
“I like you too. I like you a lot, baby.”
Yeah, he fucking does. My face stretches into a big, fat, drunken grin, and he hugs me close.
Chapter 28
Stefania and Giorgia are extremely hungover the next morning.
The pair of them lounge on the couch wrapped in soft blankets complaining about how terrible they feel, and I might have some pity for them if they hadn’t done it to themselves. Still, I’m a good husband, so I fetch them ibuprofen, make them pancakes, and graciously allow them to watch whatever horrible reality television they want all day long.
I have a smile on my face even though the girls are like two dried-out zombies. I keep thinking about what Stefania said to me before she fell asleep—and it causes emotions to flutter up to the surface. Real, actual emotions, the sort of feelings I never imagined I’d ever have, and I like them. They make me feel human again.
It’s childish. She likes me. As if we’re in grade school and she’s got a crush. As if I haven’t been fucking her into a gooey mess every night. But she said it out loud, she admitted to liking me, and it feels so fucking fantastic that I don’t yell at anyone all day long, not even after my men fail to find any trace of the guns that were stolen, and not even when Emilio fucks up with one of the pallet jackets and crashes it into a bunch of boxes.