Page 70 of Cruel Tyrant

“Your wife here was begging me to tell her about all the stupid shit you did as a youth. And now she has the gall to pretend otherwise.”

She gasps and puts a hand to her throat. “I’d never.”

“Enough, you two.” I go over and kiss my wife on the cheek. “To what do I owe this pleasure, old man?”

Dad smirks at me and sits up straighter. “I wanted to come tell you in person. We’re making a change in leadership.”

My eyebrows raise and I glance down at Stefania, but she seems surprised too. “Does Simon know?” I ask.

“No, I’m blindsiding my own son.” Dad gives me a hard look. “Of course he fucking knows. He’s happy to step aside.”

I sit down on the top of the desk. Stefania rests her hand on my knee and looks concerned. I can’t imagine Simon’s happy about any of this. He’s been running the Famiglia very well for a while now, and he’s been doing a good job navigating this conflict with Santoro.

“You’re not worried about the message it’ll send?” I ask and ignore Stefania when she squeezes me.

“I’m not worried,” Dad says, and his level stare suggests I’d better shut the fuck up and get in line. “We’re going back to normal, that’s all. Simon’s tenure as Don was always meant to be temporary.”

I grunt in reply. “Then congratulations on your ascension, Don Bianco.”

Dad pushes himself to his feet and leans on his cane. He really should be on arm crutches, but the cane’s what he forces himself to use in public. Dad’s a good Don, he’s fair, strong, and clever, but the gunshot wound changed him, and I’m worried he’s not ready to step into this role with the way things are right now. There’s too much stress.

“The rest of the organization will be made aware tomorrow,” he says as he heads to the door. “But spread word ahead of time. I don’t want any surprises.”

“Understood. I’ll make sure the boys are all prepped.”

Dad pauses and looks back at me. “And Davide? Give your wife a raise. Lord knows she deserves it.”

“Thank you, Don Bianco,” she says sweetly. “See you for dinner?”

“See you then, dear.”

He leaves and closes the door behind him.

I sigh and get off the desk. Stefania watches me as I sit down in the same chair my father had been in a second ago.

“Thoughts?” I ask.

She makes a vague gesture. “He thinks he can handle it.”

“And do you think he can?”

“I’m not sure.” She chews her lip and looks away. I’ve come to rely on my wife’s intuition and analysis over these last few months. She has a knack for politics and she remembers what it’s like to handle a mafia war. I run my plans past her most of the time these days, and we stay up late discussing my business all the time.

That’s why she’s in this office. I tried to keep her sequestered in the oasis, but as she went from simply keeping my books to offering advice and managing some of my businesses, it became clear that she’s better off out in the world. She’s still not allowed to wander the damn city at her whim, but there are a few locations where she can work that are closer to the heart of our empire.

“How do you think Simon’s taking it?” I ask.

“He’s definitely not happy about it, I can promise you that, but he knows better than to fight your father. Right now, the Famiglia needs unity, and I think Simon’s smart enough to step aside until the time’s right.” She rubs her face with one hand. “I’m just worried that’ll be sooner than later.”

“I hope you’re wrong,” I say, but with her track record, I suspect she won’t be.

She gets up and comes around the desk before sitting on my lap. I kiss her and she kisses me back, and I feel a little purr in my chest at her nearness. She shimmies her hips, grinning at me, eyes narrowed with a drugging stare.

“It’s my lunch hour,” she says. “I was thinking about sending the guys out.”

“Oh, yeah? And who would protect you?”

“I think my big, strong husband could handle that.” She leans in and kisses me again. “And I’ve been thinking about you.” She grinds her hips into me again.