Page 39 of Keep You Close

The one who I’d just dry-humped like a teenager.

The one that had just given me an orgasm.

I was no starry-eyed virgin. But I’d also never had a real “O” with a man before. I’d managed to take care of myself, but it was something new to have it with someone else. Even if it was just… friction.

It felt more intimate somehow than times I’d actually had—orgasm-free—sex with someone.

Why did this have to happen for the first time with Atlas Rivers?

A man who I needed not to get involved with.

For one thing, because me having a roof over my head was in his hands. And if he thought things with us had gotten weird, he might toss me out on my butt.

For another, I probably already liked him a little too much. Especially for a man who was destined to leave.

He’d been very clear about never staying in one place long.

So if I let things get even more physical, and my feelings for him grew, it would be crushing when he left, knowing he was likely out there in the world, meeting new women at every ‘port.’ While I pined for him in his house.

I needed to get it together.

Put some distance between us.

It was the only way this could continue to go on.

Decision made, I made my way back into my room, hearing Atlas rolling down the hall into his room. He was probably going to get changed, which gave me a couple of minutes to go and put Samson out before rushing back into my room to avoid him and the awkward conversation he would feel compelled to have, given the circumstances.

As soon as his door closed, I rushed out on tiptoes, whisper calling Samson, setting him outside, then quickly putting the leftover sweets away, grabbing Atlas a few bottles of water to leave on the coffee table, bringing Samson into my room with me, and finally let out the breath I swear I’d been holding, worried he might come out at any point.

With that, I took my pajamas into the bathroom, took a long shower, and went to bed early.

Though I tossed and turned as I made plans for the next day.

Namely, how I would get up early. Make him breakfast that he could heat up for himself. Then grab Samson, and head out before Atlas even woke up.

Then I could just run errands after work, really drag things out. If I had to, I could claim a headache as soon as I got home, and take to bed.

I was probably going to need it, since I was clearly not going to get any sleep with all these thoughts running through my mind.

One thing was for sure, though.

I was going to have to get really good at hiding my feelings over the next twenty-four hours.



I never imagined that giving a woman an orgasm would be a massive mistake.

But here we were.

A full week after the dry humping on the couch.

And she was doing absolutely everything in her power to avoid me.

“You’re quieter than usual,” Kingston said, glancing over from the driver’s seat. “Pain starting up again?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head.