“A joke, Rocco. Macy always told me jokes.”
His friend sucked in a breath. “Wait. What are you trying to say?”
“I’m trying to say nothing right now, but I need to learn her secrets. All of them.”
Gianna exited her car and headed inside to a doctor’s office. He grabbed his phone and looked up the practice name, and discovered the doctor she went to was a pulmonologist. His heart skipped a beat. Too many things were stacking up.
“This is too much of a coincidence to be an actual coincidence,” he said.
“What is?” Rocco asked.
“She’s going to see a pulmonologist.” When Rocco continued to stare at him in confusion, he let out a snort. “She told a joke. She said fear is about the unknown. And now, a pulmonologist. All of that, and Reynolds said his best friend was Macy.”
“You’re not making much sense. Are you implying Gianna is Macy?”
“I don’t know what I’m implying,” he answered truthfully. “She reminds me of Macy and I realize how crazy I’m sounding.”
“Macy is dead.”
“That’s what we were told. What we were shown. But Fabricio said he didn’t kill her, and Renyolds said we did. Nothing is aligning.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Rocco snapped his fingers. “I know! You need to see her medical records.”
“Yes. Yes, that’s what I need. If she has eosinophilic asthma, then I need to have a different talk with Gianna.”
An hour later, she walked out, heading to her car. Once she drove away, he and Rocco hurried into the doctor’s office. The receptionist behind the counter looked them over before she settled her gaze on Rocco. Interest flared into her eyes.
“Why is such a beautiful woman like you sitting here all alone?” Rocco asked in flawless Italian.
“Obviously waiting for you,” she smiled coquettishly. “How can I help you?”
Since there was no one in the waiting room, he leaned in close. “My friend thought he saw his fiancée leave here. Her name is Gianna Novelly. We just wanted to see if she had a procedure today.”
The woman’s eyes flickered over to Matteo for a brief moment. “I’m sorry I can’t—”
“Shh, pretty lady,” Rocco murmured, placing a finger over her lips. “You’re so beautiful you light up this entire room.”
The woman blushed, completely under Rocco’s thrall.
“If you tell this gentleman about Gianna, he’ll leave and you and I can have some time together.” He winked at her. “Perhaps you can take me on a tour of the backroom.”
She giggled. “It was nothing, really. She was just getting her injection for her asthma. She gets one every eight weeks.”
“Eosinophilic asthma?” Matteo asked.
She nodded.
“Thank you.” He looked at Rocco and raised his eyebrows, turning to leave Rocco to his seduction. Knowing his best friend, he wouldn’t see him until much later.
When he settled behind the wheel, he leaned his head back. That type of asthma was rare, so to encounter two women with the same disease, along with all the other parallels, was too hard to come to any other conclusion. All he wanted to do was find Gianna. Or Macy. Fuck, he was losing his damn mind!
Chapter Twenty
The sound of footsteps racing down the hallway caught her attention and Gianna watched Seth jump over the couch and land next to her. Something like giddiness lit up his eyes.
“I found something.” He practically squealed with delight. “Look here.”
He thrust his laptop under her nose.