Not bothering to say anything else, Fabricio turned and left.
Rocco let out a pent-up breath. “What the fuck just happened?”
“Pack up,” Matteo said, heading back to his car. “You’re coming with me to Italy to be my best man. And possibly help me kill my father.”
Chapter Eighteen
Gianna wrapped tape around her palm once before winding it around each finger. This gave her fingers more support and stability. She made sure to avoid wrapping the tape too tightly so she could still move her hands with ease. Next to her, Caelian also sheathed his hands, preparing them for their upcoming sparring match.
Adrenaline surged through her, causing her to bounce on her feet. She loved mock fighting with Caelian. Loved the rush she got from it. Back when Caelian suggested she learn self-defense, her fear had been the greatest motivator. Nightmares were a nightly occurrence, as was constantly looking over her shoulder even though Pietro Romanelli would never be able to get close again.
They started the dance slow, circling each other around the mat. Caelian moved closer, throwing out a punch or a kick here and there. She countered quickly, punching back and grinning. With each pass they moved closer together and Caelian struck first, trying hard to sweep her feet to bring her down. She beat him back with each and every thrust, going around and around, back and forth. As they moved fluidly around the mat, Gianna began to attack first so that Caelian had to go on the defense. Then their positions traded, putting him on the offense. The more they tried to outmaneuver each other, the more intense their sparring grew until he managed to knock her to the floor. He pulled a rubber knife from the back of his training shorts, but before he could press it to her throat, she kicked his arm, sending the knife flying, and brought her knee up to his groin.
Luckily, he wore a cup.
Caelian grunted and tapped out. Gianna immediately rolled away, panting from the exertion of fighting a six-foot man made of solid muscle. A moment later, he kip-upped to his feet and looked down at her.
“Stretch out and then weight training,” he ordered.
She saluted him. “Aye aye, cap’n.”
“Brat,” he muttered.
He turned and stalked off to lift dumbbells, and she stuck her tongue out while his back was turned. A shrill ring echoed in the gym, causing her to push to her feet to hurry and grab her phone.
“A message came through for you,” Seth said, not bothering to say hi.
“Well, good morning to you, too,” she quipped. “Message from who?”
Dread suddenly hit her. Gunner rarely checked in since one slip up could mean his death.
“I’m on my way.” She ended the call and turned to Caelian, who stared at her with his hands on his hips. “We need to get to the war room.”
He grabbed their equipment and followed her. The gym wasn’t attached to the house but located next to it, so it took them a few minutes to make it to Seth’s side. When she entered, Seth and Mauro wore solemn expressions. Without saying anything, Seth held out a piece of paper. Gianna took it and skimmed it quickly.
Tommy Reynard killed by father.
She blinked, her heart cracking in two. When Pietro killed Macy, she disappeared from everyone and that included her best friend, for obvious reasons.
“He was the butler.”
Surely, she misheard. “How did we miss that?”
“He went by Reynolds.”
That name she recognized from Gunner’s reports. Her best friend, now dead, and for what? Why had he changed his name to work for Pietro? Tears rose up in her eyes. She’d lost everything, and now one more person.
“Why?” she asked, swallowing down the lump in her throat.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Caelian laid a hand on her shoulder. “He was trying to figure out what happened to you.”
Gianna wiped the wetness from her eyes. “He should’ve forgotten about me.”