“Oh, right. Why don’t you go up to bed, then?”

I frowned. Had I misunderstood Scarlette this afternoon? Well, whether I had read too much into her words—and kiss—or not, I wasn’t leaving her down here with Gideon. I stood up and pulled her with me. “Let’s go.”

She tugged, and I immediately released her arm. “I should wash the pot.”

I shook my head. “I’ll take care of it.”

“But you are tired.”

“Not that tired,” I mumbled.

She studied me, her hazel eyes seeing right through me. She grabbed my hand. “Let’s go upstairs. The pot can wait until morning.”

She released my hand when we reached the narrow hallway and led the way to the attic stairs. I looked over my shoulder and saw Gideon watching us, a smug smile on his face.

Scarlette glanced back at me, her eyes wide. “Did you just growl?”

I wasn’t aware that I had made any sound, but growling certainly fit my mood. “I don’t like the huntsman or the way he thinks of you.”

“I’m aware,” Scarlette said, starting her way up the narrow stairs. “That’s why I suggested we both go upstairs. You weren’t going to leave me alone with him.”

“Of course not.” I followed her up. I tried not to stare at her ass the entire way, but it was a losing battle.

“I do still have the enchantment you gave me, you know.”

“Good. Keep it with you.” I closed the trapdoor and looked around the room. The bed that had belonged to Rosalia when we were children caught my eye, and I grimaced. I had sat there carving symbols into wooden discs the first night after I met Scarlette. It was a mess.

I crossed the room and tried to sweep the wood shavings into a tidy pile.

“You are going to get splinters if you sleep there,” Scarlette announced.

I turned and froze. She had already removed her kerchief and was busy working on the laces of her bodice. She faced me, making no attempt to shield her body. The invitation was clear.

I closed the distance between us in quick strides, and her fingers faltered on the laces. Reaching out with a single finger, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Are you certain, Scarlette?”

Her head tilted, pressing into my hand. “Your magic can prevent conception, right?”

I should have thought of that earlier. “Right.”

“Then I’m certain.”

I cupped her face between both palms and kissed her. I meant it to be soft, a promise of what was to come, but once our lips met, my control slipped. I licked at her and groaned when she opened without hesitation. My tongue swept inside, tasting her. I gave myself until we were both gasping for breath, then stepped back.

“Let me get the enchantment.” I went back to the other bed.

“Do you need one?”

I found a disc waiting for the contraceptive spell, with a hole already drilled into the top to let it hang from a cord or ribbon. “Magic requires focus. My attention will be on other things.”

Scarlette laughed, the sound rich and full. I resisted the urge to turn back to her. I had to make the enchantment first, and looking at Scarlette would not help me manage the magic. Pulling enough power to last the night into the wood, I shaped it into the correct form. Since I didn’t need to make it last long or set a way for a non-mage to activate the power, it only took about a minute.

I turned around, and the disc slipped from my fingers.

Scarlette had used the time to finish undressing. She stood next to the bed, clothed in nothing but her hair. The long red strands ended just above her nipples, drawing my gaze. I continued tracing the path down her body with my eyes until I reached the patch of red curls at the apex of her thighs.

“Are you going to pick that up?” She put her hands on her hips.

I swallowed and bent down to retrieve the enchantment. A flick of power activated the spell. I walked over and held it out. “You’ll need to wear it,” I explained, though I was certain she knew that already.