Page 18 of Dirty Money

When we finished touring all the apartments the realtor wanted to show us, we went for a late lunch. We're waiting for our food when I can't stand it anymore and burst out with my announcement.

"I think apartment number eight is the one."

"Is that right?" He grins.

"Can we go back and see it again? Will the realtor mind?"

"I think that can be arranged."

He takes his phone out and types a quick text to the realtor. I'm jumping in my seat with excitement. When the food comes, I practically shove it down my throat in my haste to finish. This is it. That apartment will be our home, and I can't wait to get our lives together started. Jason is surprised when I pass on dessert, and then we are off to my dream home.

When we arrive at the apartment building, the realtor is waiting for us and hands Jason the keys. They shake hands, and she leaves. I'm curious about that, but I'm too excited to see the place again. I want to start decorating right away. We go up to the 7th floor, and Jason opens the door for us. He holds my hand, preventing me from entering.

"I want to carry you bride-style. Do you mind?"

"Do it," I say, almost jumping into his arms.

He lifts me up and then crosses the threshold. I giggle with joy, and he twirls us around, a deep laugh coming out of him. He puts me down, and I look around the empty living area. Only it's not empty anymore. There's a table with champagne and some petit fours. Everything looks delicious.

"What is all this?"

"I want us to celebrate."

"I thought we just did that at the restaurant."

"That's not what we're celebrating."

I turn to look at him, and he's down on one knee, a ring box open in his hand. My hand goes to my mouth to keep from screaming.

"Amber Williams, you are my everything. I believe in taking life by the horns, and that means I'd like it if you'd do me the honor of becoming my wife."

"Jason, I…"

"I love you. I think I've loved you from the moment I saw you at the casino. I was just entranced. Will you marry me, Pixie?"

"Yes, Jason. YES!"

I extend my hand so he can put the engagement ring on it, and only then can I appreciate how BIG the darn thing is. Wow, when Jason goes all the way, he does it in style.

He gets up and grabs me by the waist. "I'll make you the happiest woman in the world. That is my promise to you, Amber."

"You already do that every single day, Jason."

"It will never be enough. You are my treasure."

"I think I'll make a good wife, but there's something you have to know, and it might be a dealbreaker."

"What?" He asks softly, a frown on his face.

"I can't cook worth shit."

Jason lets loose a long, throaty laugh.

"My God, Pixie. You scared the crap out of me."

"I'll try and be good. I promise."

"Well, you don't have to be good all the time." He winks.