Page 5 of Dirty Money

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't."

She hesitates, drawing her finger around the rim of her coffee cup. "I haven't told anybody about this. Not even my closest friends."

"Just tell me, Pix. And I'll do everything in my power to make it right."

"You don't make sense. You don't even know me."

"I know you're smart, passionate, and strong. And I know you need help."

She lets out a sigh. "I'm being blackmailed. He's asking for twenty thousand dollars."

"He knows you count cards." Not a question.

"In college, to pay the bills. I was stupid and told him about it."

"Why is he coming out of the woodwork now?"

"His life is in shambles, and he needs money."

"But does he have proof that you’re a card shark?"

"You're going to think I'm an idiot."

I arch my brow at her and just wait for her to come out with it.

"I…I…Oh god, I asked him to record me to see if I had any tells while I was playing. Obviously, he kept the footage."

"But that was years ago, and there's no way that could implicate you now after all these years."

"It's more my reputation I'm concerned about. I work at a financial firm, and this would look bad. I'd lose my job, no references, nothing. All the work I've put in to be successful will crumble."

"I'll give you the money if you do something for me in exchange."

"Are you serious? What could I give you that is worth twenty thousand dollars?"

"You. I want you to stay in Vegas with me this week. All week long."

"You're insane."

"I'm serious, and we also need to take care of the blackmailer. Otherwise, he'll come back later for more."

She looks at me without saying a word. I know what I've proposed is crazy, but I want her with me this week. I need to know everything about her, including what she's like when she's angry, sad, or happy. I want it all. My obsessive side is showing, but—I. DONT. CARE.

"Can you get away from work this week?"


"You won't regret it."

"I'll make some calls." She says, taking a tentative bite from her toast.

The look she gives me is not wary but full of desire. This is a woman that knows what she wants and goes to get it. And I want to be what she wants more than anything in life.

"Do you want to go sightseeing?" I ask.

"Maybe after." She drops her toast and walks towards me. She straddles me and kisses me with a hunger like I've never felt before.