He's pacing around my room, and I'm frozen in place, holding my bloody lip.
"Looks like your beau has some money. Maybe he'll be willing to part with it to make sure you don't come back in pieces."
"Bradley! What is wrong with you? Do you need money that badly?"
"Desperate times, Amber. Looks like you messaged him for help. Well, we won't be here when he comes."
I see him type something into my phone and then drops it on the bed. He reaches for me, and I back away, but he's not joking around, so he grabs my ankle and drags me to the edge of the bed. Then he grabs me by the neck again and drags me away like a goddamn caveman. This is pissing me off, but I don't want to infuriate him any more than he already is.
When we are on the main floor of the building, he drags me to the back exit, and there's a car double-parked there. He shoves me into the passenger seat, pulls out some zip ties, and ties my hands together. He pulls them tight so they hurt my wrists, and before I think to scream, he shuts me up with duct tape.
Dread fills me when we leave my neighborhood, away from the help I need. I now do something I haven't done in years. I pray. After that, I take action. I struggle with my bonds and try to hurt him. It's a risk because he's driving, and we can get into an accident. But this way, I can get someone's attention if that does happen.
"You stupid bitch! Stop struggling."
I continue my assault on him, and I see a glint of evil come into his eyes. Before I know it, he hits me on the head so hard that I see stars, and everything goes black.
So much for me saving myself.
I wake up in what looks like someone's shitty basement. I'm sitting in a chair, and my arms and legs are tied to it with several zip ties. The circulation to my arms has already been affected. I realize my mouth is no longer taped shut, but it feels swollen. I look around me and only find old boxes and broken pieces of furniture down here.
"You're awake." Someone says in my vicinity, but they are cloaked in darkness.
"Help me. He's lost his mind. He's kidnapped me."
"There's nothing I can do to help you, lady."
I realize the voice is female as she comes out of the dark corner where she's been hiding herself. She looks tired, scared, and very defeated.
"We can help one another. Do you have a phone I can use?" I ask.
"He took my phone a long time ago. Don't have anyone to call, anyway."
"What about the police? What's he done to you? How long have you been here?"
"I have to tell him you're awake. Your friend wants proof you're alive."
Jason! He knows. "Come on,” I say, “my friend can help the both of us. There's got to be a way we can get out of here."
She looks at me like I'm stupid and goes up the stairs silently. I hear her soft voice from where I am and realize getting her to help me will be harder than I thought. Heavy steps come towards the basement door, and the door opens. Bradley walks down with a weird smile on his face. He points his phone to my face.
"Bradley, this is crazy. You have to let me go."
"Do you want me to tape your mouth shut again, Amber? Cause I think I'll be a lot happier if I do."
"Who is that woman with you?"
"Really? You want to make small talk now, Amber?"
"If you let me go, I won't press charges."
"You know what I think? Your little beau is desperate to get you back. He'll pay me what I'm asking for."
"I can try and find some money for you, Bradley."
"That's no longer going to cut it. I owe a lot of money to some important people. I Googled your friend, and he's a big-shot security guy. He's worth millions. What I need is just a piece of the cake."
I try to swallow the bile that comes up in my mouth. Leave it to this asshole to go for the jugular. The problem is I don't know what Jason plans to do. All I know is stuff from the movies, so I guess he'll stall while he's looking for wherever this shithole is. However this ends, I don't want Bradley to get one cent of anyone's money.