Page 15 of Hands Off

“Juliette, take a deep breath. I came because of all the rumors swirling around the castle right now. King William is furious, trying to make a bigger deal about one of our soldiers in your bed than it should be.” My face turns crimson and I bow my head. Duchess Evie makes it seem so… forbidden. But it is, isn’t it? “I’m not shaming you but your father certainly is trying to. Queen Helvania has been laughing that she will finally acquire a kingdom.”

“Wait, what?”

“Not to the main outlets but among her maids, however, maids talk and they share a lot of information when given the right incentive. She won’t be your wife, Juliette.” Duchess Evie steps forward, leaning closer and lowering her voice. “Ophelia is alive.”

My eyes widen and a gasp falls from my lips before I clamp my lips together. I reach forward, Duchess Evie offering her hands for me to hold onto. “She’s alive? Where is she? Why is she not here? I want”-

“Shhhh, Juliette. Deep breaths. I only have a few minutes. I came under the guise of preparing you for the gala. Your maids will be here soon. Juliette, listen to me, no news is good news but I need you to follow through. Get dressed. Have your hair down. Hold your head high and march into that gala knowing that your woman fought hard and proud.”

Tears stream down my cheeks from a mixture of relief and fear that Ophelia made it but that she’s succumbed to whatever wounds she most definitely incurred. “But why isn’t she here?”

Duchess Evie squeezes my hands. “Patience.”

“She’s hurt, isn’t she? Has she said anything-” I spiral into a multitude of questions as Duchess Evie pulls me into her chest, kissing the top of my head.

“Your soldier scored the highest in her training. She’s also got a heart of gold from what I hear. She will pull through with everyone helping her at her side. You can only help by showing up at the gala, ready for whatever happens. I will promise you this one thing. I have spoken to Queen Daniela and Ophelia will be given a queen’s burial if that’s what it comes to. After tonight, she will be a queen either way. “

“Thank you,” I whisper against her chest. When she leaves, I hold my chin up, greeting the maids that filter through the doorway to ready me for the gala. I have to be ready—whether my father gives me to Queen Helvania or I’m blessed with Ophelia’s presence.

My soldier is alive.

She fought hard and she made it.

“Princess, are you ready?”

I blow out a deep breath and nod. “Yes.”

Chapter 15


A loud groan filters through my lips as my lids flutter open. Darkness meets me and I struggle to move but find that my limbs won’t respond to my needs. The stone is deathly cold against my cheek. Get up, I scream to myself. I have to survive. I have to live another day to show that Juliette is not bound to her father’s demands. I try again but can’t find the energy to move.

Tears gather in my eyes as I give into the pain, my entire body shaking with what I’ve put myself through. Those men never stopped coming but I fought with everything I had, using every trick I had in my book to stay alive until I took a cut to the side.

I can hardly breathe but other than the ragged sound of air expelling from my lungs, there is only silence.

My vision blurs as I struggle to stay conscious, footsteps barrelling down the halls. I tense and resume my efforts, firm hands holding me down a second later. “No!” I whine, “No, I just-”

“Pheli, it’s just us. You did it, alright?” I’m pulled into Blaise’s arms as Artemis holds my face in his hands, surveying the damage. I can’t feel my body but the warmth they both provide tells me that I’m safe. Silently, I look over the space, appalled at the bloodied carnage I left behind. Anyone walking in here could tell that I fought for my life.

I don’t feel like I’ve won, though.

Blaise kisses my temple, rocking me against him as I drink in their presence. It’s over. “I’m sure Queen Helvania and King William will be pleasantly surprised to see you still alive,” Blaise chuckles and hugs me a little harder till I hiss at the pain. “We need to get you cleaned up. Anything broken?”

“My nose?” I hiss again when Artemis starts to pat me down, a low whine coming from me when he touches my arm.

“Breathe, Pheli.” Artemis grips my arm and then my shoulder with his other hand. “This is going to hurt.” He counts down from three and twists my arm back into the socket. I howl in pain, the tears I was holding back making an appearance. “You’re okay. You’re here with us.” He bows his head to mine, all three of us content in this moment. “However, the gala is in less than an hour and-”

“Juliette’s okay?”

They both nod. “Checked on her. She’s strong, Pheli,” Blaise adds. “So strong. She’s perfect for you.”

“I just wanted her to have a choice, Blaise. You didn’t see her-”

“Oh, I did, Pheli. I did and I would have done the same.” Blaise resituates, slipping an arm around my shoulders and the other under my thighs before pulling me to his chest and standing up. I bite back another groan as pain shocks my system. Artemis grabs my sword, trailing behind us. “We’re going to take the servant routes back up to the room and get you cleaned up.”

I don’t say anything. There’s no strength left to. I can’t even nod without my vision blurring but I’m safe. And alive. And on my way to see my perfect piece of sunshine.