Page 101 of We Were Together

Fuck him.

Fuck him, fuck her, but most of all… fuck me. Because I’m the biggest joke of all.

I’m not sure what comes first—my screams or the repetitive slams of my phone against the hardwood floors. I don’t know how long I carry on for before Walter finds me, pulling me into his panicked embrace.

I’m not sure how long he holds me before he manages to get me to settle.

What I do know is at no point do I shed a single fucking tear.




“Tell me again how the hell you two talked me into this shit?” I glance around the park, taking in the sight of the outdoor space that has been recently transformed by the hundreds of twinkle lights strung up along the sheer canopies serving as a barrier between the temporarily constructed dance floor and the night sky. Various bars have been set up around the perimeter, while wait staff circulate throughout the party with premixed cocktails.

“Because you never go anywhere with us anymore.” Rico moves to stand beside me, swiping a drink from a passing tray. “And we were due a boys’ night.”

“This isn’t a boys’ night.” My gaze continues to wander, conscious to never linger too long on any of the scantily dressed women currently roaming about like lionesses on the prowl. I’m not trying to give any of them the wrong idea. “This is a fucking hunting party. Who does this shit on a Monday night?”

“It’s a pop-up mixer.” JP joins us on my opposite side and, unlike me, he’s incredibly thorough in the eye-fucking he delivers to each of his prospects. “They’re like a whole new social scene. This one’s super exclusive—invite only. You get notified of the time and location twelve hours beforehand.”

I shove my hands into my pockets, my head shifting toward JP to pin him with a glare. “Our invitations wouldn’t happen to be dependent on our net worth, would they?”

“Well,” Rico interjects, continuing to sip on the dark red concoction, “not one of the men at this event is worth less than seven figures, so take it as you will.”

“Goddammit.” I sigh, dipping my head to the floor. “You two couldn’t stick to Tinder for your hook-ups?”

“Bro, what’s the issue? These chicks are solid 10s. And you see the way they’re eye-fucking us?” He gestures in a sweeping motion toward the party, as if to highlight his point.

“They’re not eye-fucking you, you dumb shit. They’re eye-fucking your bank account. Seven figures gets you in the door? Tell ‘em what you’re really worth. They’ll let you run a train on them in the middle of the dance floor.” I shift my attention back to Rico. “I’m surprised you were game for this.”

“You weren’t on those Tinder dates with us.” He shudders as though shaking off a chill.

“They obviously weren’t that bad considering you both brought them back to the house. Which brings me to my next issue.”

“Here we go,” JP mutters, retrieving his own drink from one of the circulating waitresses.

“I had to dig my iPhone out from under your bare ass Friday night as your dick was being inhaled by the human equivalent of a Dyson vacuum. So, yeah, here we fucking go. You live in a 3,000 square foot guesthouse. Should you bring a girl home tonight, do us all a favor and fuck her there.”

“I don’t see Rico getting a lecture on this.”

“Rico doesn’t fuck on top of my shit.”

“I said I was sorry!” he snaps defensively. “Jesus, any chance you’ll be pulling that stick from your ass tonight? Because you’re good-looking, Nick, but that attitude ain’t doing you any favors.”

“I guess that’s more pussy for you two, then, isn’t it?”

“You could do with some pussy right about now. When was the last time you even got laid? It’s not healthy to go so long without a release.”

A release isn’t my problem. In the last few months, I’ve jerked it so much I’m thankful it hasn’t fallen off. Each time, it’s to various images of the same person. Those emerald irises glancing up at me out from under her long dark lashes. The swell of her bottom lip as her teeth sink into the pouty cushion. The flare of her hips as I’m watching her ass bounce on top of me. God, just the fucking thought of her drives me wild, whereas the sight of these other women doesn’t invoke so much as a twitch in my cock. The idea of taking anyone else home is so damn ridiculous, it’s downright laughable.

“Not gonna happen.” My jaw clenches, Rico instantly homing in on my frustration.

“Daph still dodging your texts?”

“She’s probably just busy,” I’m quick to offer, hoping he’ll drop it.