“Heard,” T acknowledges, closing the distance between us in Mav’s absence.
We watch as Kellerman leads Mav over alongside the building, where they proceed to engage in what looks to be a somewhat heated conversation.
“Do they know each other?” I ask, eyeing them suspiciously.
“I don’t think so.” T shakes his head. “I mean, I can’t be sure though. We’ve had our fair share of run-ins with the law over the years. Paths may have crossed before.”
I nod, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I continue to keep watch.
“So,” T initiates conversation, pulling another cigarette from his pack, “you and Mav? It official?”
I look to him with a smile. “Yeah. Yeah, I think it is.”
“About time.” He pats at his pockets. Coming up empty, he turns toward Maverick. “Bish!” he calls out, gaining Mav’s attention. T raises his arm, his hand mimicking the gesture of sparking a lighter. Mav nods, digging through his pockets to locate his. He holds up his zippo, tossing it our way before returning to his conversation.
T catches the lighter, flicking it open and leaning into the flame. Snapping it shut, his eyes focus on the small silver rectangle, his thumb tracing over the back. “He never stopped loving you, you know?” T holds out the zippo, gesturing for me to take it.
I stare in confusion before obliging him. Lifting the lighter from his palm, I flip it over, my eyes coming to rest on an engraving on the back. It’s a peony in full bloom with the word Forever written overtop. My breath hitches in my throat as I look to T in awe.
“Ending shit with you? It fucking broke him, J. And…” T inhales deep, his gaze scanning the surrounding area as though he’s trying to avoid eye contact with me, “I can’t help but feel like it’s partially my fault.”
“T…” My eyes soften as he shifts uneasily in front of me.
“No, J, I’m serious. If it wasn’t for me and Tommy’s shit, you woulda never been taken. Nicky would’ve found out about you guys on your own terms. Mav wouldn’t have been so easily guilted into giving you up.”
“Hey,” I cut him off. “That’s on Tommy, you hear me? Not you. You saved me that night. And T? For what it’s worth, I’m so sorry about Bentley.”
His mouth forms a tight smile, offering a swift nod as he swipes at his nose with a sniff. “I miss him so fucking much.” A single chuckle escapes his throat as he presses his palms to his eyes. “I think Mav’s had it worse though these last few years. I don’t have Bent because he’s gone. Mav had to wake up every day knowing you were out there and that he couldn’t have you. Jesus, that would drive me insane.” He places the cigarette between his lips, taking a deep pull. “Finn’s gonna be fucking thrilled you’re back. If he had to go one more month dealing with Bishop’s grumpy ass, one of them was gonna shoot the other.”
We share a light chuckle as I direct my gaze back toward Mav.
Kellerman hands him the file folder, which Mav rips from him with an eye roll. I watch as he opens it, monitoring his face as his expression slowly slips from one of irritation to shock. Kellerman thrusts his finger at whatever’s inside, leaning into Mav as he whispers something to him. Mav’s hands clap together, slamming the folder shut in the process before shoving it back into Kellerman’s chest.
“Mr. Michaelson.” Another agent approaches us, garnering our attention. “We’ve completed our search of the premises. You and Mr. Bishop are free to go inside. Our office will be in touch following a review of the files we seized. We appreciate your time and cooperation.” He extends his arm out for a handshake.
Tristan places the cigarette in his mouth, his hand reaching out to grasp the agent’s. “Oh, yeah, of course. Be sure to fuck off on your way out.” He gives him a firm shake before releasing him. The agent scoffs, turning in retreat just as Mav makes his way back over to us. “What did the douche want?” T asks, gesturing toward Kellerman.
“Later,” Mav responds. “Let’s get inside first and see how bad they fucked things up. Where’s Finn?”
“Envy. He wanted to be there in case they hit that too.”
“Smart.” Mav claps T on the shoulder. “See? I knew there was a reason I keep you guys around.”
“Ha. Ha,” T forces out, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he flicks the butt of his cigarette into the gutter. “I’ll text him to get over here.”
“Why Envy?” I look to Mav for explanation.
He leans in low, brushing my hair back from my ear as he whispers, “Echo and Envy are the clubs I launder money through.” He finishes his response with a nip to my lobe, causing me to jump.
I pull back, brow arched. “Oh, we have so much more catching up to do.”
“Yeah, we do.” Mav bites his lip, his eyes raking over me sporting obvious devious intentions before slapping my ass.
“Down, boy. That’s not what I meant.” Offering up a coy smile, I push off him as I make my way toward the entrance.
One by one, the Feds slowly make their exit. Cars continue to clear out of the immediate area until only two remain, those particular agents still inside. I’m not sure what it is that gives me pause, but for some reason I glance up, taking note of a blacked-out sedan making its way down the block. Something’s off about it. I continue to stare, suddenly realizing it has no front license plate. Slowly, it creeps down the street, when I notice the passenger side window roll down as it comes to pass.
Then… I’m hitting the ground.