“How dare you make that decision without me.” I can’t even look at him right now. “You fucked everything up.” My voice comes out a pained whisper. “Everything.”
Turning away, I push free from the room, descending back into the club.
“You and Maverick Bishop were like a thing, huh?” Maddison’s annoying nasally voice pierces through my buzz.
I glare at her, my eyes narrowing as I clearly send the message that this is not something I will be discussing with her. However, she doesn’t take the hint.
“How serious were you two?!” she continues to yell over the music’s steady bass.
“Pretty fucking serious!” Daphne’s drunk ass leans over the back of the couch from behind me, ripping my head to the side to expose my tattoo.
I pull away from her grasp. “Cut that shit out!” I scream, slapping at her as she launches into a fit of giggles.
We’ve been partying for a few hours now and Daphne’s pretty far in the bag. The rest of the girls tapped out a little while ago, leaving just the three of us. Maddison continues to sit here, pestering me with questions about Maverick as my patience starts to wear thin.
“So, like, you seem pretty happy with your current boyfriend, right?”
“Yes, Maddison,” I sigh in annoyance. “I am very happy with Caleb.” Maybe if I say it a few more times I can convince myself. Shooting back another shot, I clench my teeth as the familiar burn of the tequila works its way down my throat.
“That’s good. I’m happy for you.” She smiles.
“Thanks,” I respond with a mocking tone, rolling my eyes for effect. “Daph! Come sit down!” I shout at her. Thankfully, she complies, so I don’t have to chase her.
“I’m gonna run to the bar!” Maddison calls out. “Anyone need anything?”
Daph and I wave her off without further acknowledgment.
“So,” Daph snorts sinking back into the sofa as her head leisurely rolls to face me, “you gonna tell me what you and big bad Bishop talked about in your little pow wow?”
“Not when you’re like this,” I snort, shaking my head at her.
“Fuck off,” she laughs, giving me a playful shrug.
I lean back next to her, my head coming to rest on her shoulder. “I’m gonna order a ride home.”
“That sounds like a good idea.” Daph pats my knee.
Pulling out my phone, I open the car service app and after a couple clicks it says our ride will be here in ten minutes.
“Hey, J?” she asks, regaining my attention. “If you guys still love each other…”
My breath hitches in my throat as her words catch me off guard.
“…don’t let anything get in your way. Caleb’s feelings aren’t worth you waking up miserable for the next fifty years. If Mav is it for you, find a way to work it out.” Her hand grips mine, our fingers intertwining.
I lean into her. “What if there’s just too much hurt?”
Her head shakes side to side, eyes shut tight. “I promise you, if he truly is the one, it’s nothing you can’t overcome. Stay, Jones. Talk to him.”
I let out a shaky exhale, nodding in acknowledgment. “Okay, my little therapist. Time to get you home.” I scoop her up, tossing her arm over my shoulder, attempting to steady her as I navigate toward the door. Suddenly, a large figure positions himself in front of us, and I look up to find Logan at our service.
“Ms. Hunter,” he addresses me, “may I be of some assistance?”
“Yes,” Daphne interjects before I can respond. “Yessir. If you would be so kind.” She hiccups. “My chariot awaits me.”