“Nicky?!” I call out as the dread I forced myself to ignore now takes root in my stomach.

“Yeah, Baby J. It’s me. You good?”

I nod, dropping my arm as their bodies now block the blinding beams from my eyes.

Mav takes notice of my face, which I imagine is sporting an impressive bruise by this point. His nostrils flare in anger as he initiates a step in my direction.

“Eh. Eh. Eh.” Tommy pulls me back, simultaneously drawing his gun. Maverick halts, his eyes ping ponging between Tommy and myself. “Lift your shirts, lemme see those waistbands.”

Mav and Nicky comply, slowly turning to show they aren’t carrying.

“What the fuck happened to her face?!” Nicky seethes, his eyes narrowing into slits.

“Nick,” Tommy’s voice takes a different tone when addressing him, more pleading in nature, “you don’t understand. She’s all messed up. He’s got her all fucked in the head. I had to do something. She’s ruining her life.”

“What the fuck are you rambling about?!” Nicky shouts in annoyance, his hands shooting up in frustration.

“You wanna tell him?” He leans into my ear. “Or should I?”

My jaw tightens in response.

“Baby!” Mav’s voice calls out, confident and unwavering.

I glance toward the right where he stands and am met with a wave of calmness washing over me. A slow smile graces my face as he takes control of the conversation.

“Baby?” Nicky’s face twists into a look of confusion. “What the fuck, Mav?”

Maverick ignores him, his eyes trained on me as he continues. “You trust me?”

“With my life.”

Nicky’s head starts swiveling from Maverick to me and then back again, but Mav’s gaze remains focused on mine.

“I’m gonna take care of that motherfucker behind you, and then you and I are going home. Because I can’t go one more day in our house without you.”

My eyes well with unshed tears, my smile now spreading from ear to ear. “I love you, Mav.”

“Forever?” His grin grows to rival that of my own.

“‘Til the fucking wheels fall off,” I whisper.

“Somebody better tell me what the fuck is going on, right now!” Nicky roars into the night. He’s glaring at Mav, his gaze downright murderous.

“That’s what I was trying to tell you, Nick!” Tommy pulls me flush against him. Ripping my head to the right, he bares the left side of my neck to Nicky, so my bishop tattoo is on full display. “She’s been carrying on with him for months. Fucking your enemy right under your nose! They even have a place together in the city. Daphne covers for them.”

“Tommy!” Mav shouts, the powerful reverberation behind his tone sending a chill down my spine. “So help me God, if you don’t take your hands off my girl, I will cut them the fuck off.”

“You’re not in charge, Bishop!”

“TOMMY!” Nicky’s voice booms across the space, causing the body behind me to go rigid. “TAKE YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY SISTER’S FACE!”

He releases my head, though maintains his hold on my arm. My gaze swings forward, only to lock on the paralyzing stare of intense disappointment radiating from my brother. My heart shatters as he closes his eyes before turning away from me.

“Nicky,” my voice cracks on the way out. “Nicky, please understand. I love him.”

“Not now, Joanna,” he speaks, unable to even look at me. “So, what do you want, Tommy? I take it was you who hit the shipment, too?”

“Nick, I’m sorry about that. Yes, I gave up the route to some guys out of the city, but I knew it wouldn’t hurt us. We were still doing test runs. It was a one-time thing. It was supposed to look like Bishop hit it.”