Don’t get it twisted. Nicky, Rico, Tommy, and JP may be a bunch of rich kids from the ‘burbs who will dress up in onesies and snuggle for movie nights with their annoying baby sister, but the gangster roles they play are not pretend, and they are very much not to be fucked with. Mitch and my mom own thirty-seven acres of land and unbeknownst to them, I know for a fact there are certain areas we wouldn’t want people digging too deep.
Nicky whips into the parking lot of our favorite twenty-four-hour diner and cuts the engine. Inside, people do what they always do—fawn all over him. We’re ushered over to our favorite booth, and within minutes, plates of pancakes and eggs benedict are being rushed out without us even having to ask.
“How’s school?” he asks as he shovels the fluffy pancakes into his mouth.
“It’s good.” I nod.
“Straight A’s?”
“Jesus, Nick, we’re like a month into the school year. Grades aren’t even a thing yet.” I chuckle, cutting into the yolk of my eggs.
“Shit,” he mumbles, “it’s crazy how once you’re out of school, your body shifts back into calendar-year time instead of school-year time.”
“True,” I laugh. “That makes sense.”
“You like your teachers?”
“Yeah.” I smile. “I’ve got Mr. Kochler for English. He’s super chill. And I’ve got Ms. Ropple for AP Calc. That class seems super intimidating, but she’s really sweet. For whatever reason, she seems to like me.”
“It’s ‘cause I fucked her my senior year.” His words come out muffled with his mouth full of pancakes.
“Jesus Christ, Nicky.” I drop my fork into my plate, gripping my head as I stifle a giggle. “Seriously?!”
“Yeah,” he laughs. “A couple times.”
“Why? It’s not like you needed the grade. We both know you could pass that class in your sleep.”
He snorts. “Don’t insult me. I could teach that class in my sleep. I’m smarter than her. I didn’t fuck her for a grade. I fucked her because she’s got great tits and gives spectacular head. I rocked that bitch’s world. Safe to say, I fucked her so good that you’re probably guaranteed an A. Shit, our future kids are probably guaranteed A’s if she’s still teaching then.”
We stare at each other in a moment of silence before we both erupt in hysterics.
“You’re a pig.”
“You love me, you little shit.” He smiles at me as we both resume our meals. “Jones?”
“Mmm?” I look up at him.
“Thank you for being such a good sport about being carted around with me these last few weeks. I know all this shit isn’t your scene, but with Dad and Shannon gone so much lately launching the new store and me expanding into new territories, I just don’t like you in the house all alone.”
“No, I get it. I know you’re just watching out, Nick.” I prod at my eggs. “Are you open to discussing the possibility of me attending the Senior bonfire?” I offer up an overexaggerated grin, softening him with my best puppy dog eyes.
He sighs. “When is it?”
“Next weekend.”
“I’m away next weekend.” He pins me with a glare. “I can’t reschedule.”
“I’m aware, big bro. I know you’ve got the meeting with the new distributor. I won’t be rolling solo. Daph’s going too.”
We stay locked in a stare-down for the better part of a minute before he caves. “You take JP with you.”
“Won’t you need him with you?” My brow furrows, not thrilled with the idea of my brother being down a man when meeting with unfamiliar connections.
He shakes his head. “Rico and Tommy will be fine as backup. And we both know JP won’t be depressed at the possibility of diving headfirst into barely-legal pussy. You take him with you. Just know, he’s got full authority to break a motherfucker’s hands if they get out of line with you. Or Daphne.”
“Noted,” I acknowledge with a wide smile. “Thank you, Nicky.”
“Anything for you, Jonsie. You know that.” He reaches across the table, his fingers interlacing with mine. “I love you, sis.”