“Forever!” she screams.
I slam up into her and she fucking detonates. Her pussy clenches around me so tight I’m coming before I even know what hit me. I bury my face in her chest as she grips onto me for support, her hips still oscillating as she rides out the last waves of her climax.
She stills within my arms, and I look up to find her staring at me. Her delicate fingers brush back the hair damp with sweat from my forehead. “We’re gonna have to run,” she whispers.
My heart that she just recently brought back to life cracks wide open at the revelation that she’d give it all up for me. Her friends, her home… Nicky. She’s willing to leave it all behind… for me. She chooses me.
However, I smile with the knowledge that she won’t have to. My hand caresses the side of her face. “No, baby, we won’t. Because I’m giving it all up. I’m letting Nicky have it all. I’m going legit.”
Her eyes go wide, her lips parting on a gasp, before slipping into a genuine smile.
And in this moment, I have everything I could ever want.
Daphne lets out a slow whistle. “That is one obnoxious display of flowers.” Her brow arches as she takes in the sight of the deep dark burgundy peonies…all three dozen of them.
Mav had them delivered this morning for Valentine’s Day and, while yes, they are over the top, I love them.
“A little morbid, don’t you think?” she continues. “How dark they are?”
“I think they’re perfect.” I smile, leaning over the kitchen island to readjust some of the stems in the vase.
“Expensive as fuck, too.” Mav enters the kitchen with Bentley in tow. “Especially since they aren’t even in season for another three months.” He slaps my ass before cuddling up behind me. “Hey, gorgeous.” He buries his face in my hair.
“Jesus,” Bentley scoffs, leaning against the countertop, “are they like this all the time?”
“Worse, normally.” Daph raises an eyebrow while sipping her coffee.
The last two months have been a bit of a whirlwind. Mav and Bentley closed the nightclub deal right after New Year’s and renovations started last week. Between overseeing that project and fulfilling his remaining weapon contracts before he passes off his arms dealings to his connections in New York City, he’s been swamped.
Bentley was pretty standoffish when we met after the holidays. The fact that I’m Nicky’s sister understandably set him on edge, but over the last several weeks he’s seemed to loosen up around me. Ever since we got the apartment, Daphne spends a good amount of time here as well and I have to admit, having friends who know about us and we can be ourselves in front of has restored a sense of normalcy to my life I didn’t realize I was missing.
Nicky’s been preoccupied with finalizing the expansion, so there are even some weeknights I’m able to get away with sleeping here. The sneaking around is a challenge, but honestly, the worst part is lying to Nicky. Hopefully, it won’t be much longer. Mav’s trying to have everything wrapped up before the end of my senior year. After he’s out of the game we’re going to talk to Nicky, and then he’s asked me to move in here with him full-time.
I see a life with him. And regardless of their history, I hope Nicky sees how much Mav means to me and accepts us, because it’s happening with or without his approval.
“So,” Daph places her coffee mug down, “just what exactly do two people so disgustingly in love as yourselves get one another for Valentine’s Day?”
I feel my face split into a wide grin. Twisting my head back to glance up at Mav, I find his expression mirrors mine. Mav sweeps my hair to my right shoulder, exposing the left side of my neck where he plants a soft kiss to the sweet spot behind my ear. As he pulls back, his hand gently guides my chin to the right, baring my neck for Daphne to see.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God.” She hops off her chair, rounding the island to gain a better look. She shoves past Bentley, gripping my jaw in her hand and twisting my head sideways once more. There, behind my left ear, is the small image of a black bishop chess piece. “You branded her?!” she scoffs. “That was your present to her?!”
“No,” I laugh, shoving her off. “That was my present to him. He didn’t even know about it until it was done.”
“And just what did you give her in return?” She pins Mav with a glare that suggests his gift better have been fucking epic to warrant me marking up my body for him.
Mav holds her gaze, a smirk playing on his lips as he grips the bottom of his gray Henley shirt and pulls up, exposing the ribs on his right side.
Bentley spits his coffee clear across the kitchen as Daphne’s jaw hits the floor.
“You’re cleaning that up.” Mav points at Bentley before gesturing toward the floor now covered in his cappuccino.
Daphne leans forward, her eyes carefully examining the intricate artwork splayed out on his skin before standing up straight. “I revoke all previous concern. Carry on, lovebirds. I’m sure the babies will be gorgeous.”
“Shut up,” I snort, shoving her back as she retreats to her seat. I turn back to Mav, my fingers twisting into the fabric of his shirt and pulling it up once more so I can stare at my new favorite artwork adorning his body.