Mav continues rubbing small, concentrated circles around my most sensitive spot, while his other hand strokes the side of my face.
My legs start to buckle, and I find myself grabbing onto his biceps for support. I feel the pressure building inside me and my eyes slip closed as I bask in the feelings of intense pleasure he’s bestowing upon me.
“Open your eyes,” he breathes, his voice labored. “I want those beautiful baby blues on me when you fall. I want you to remember exactly who makes you feel like this.”
I force my eyes to open just as his forehead presses to mine. The piercing gaze of his jade green irises lock on mine, and in this moment, we are completely connected. It isn’t a power play or a method to feed his ego. He’s doing this for my benefit. He’s letting me know he’s right here with me.
“I got you, baby.” His words slip from his lips, etching themselves across my skin, imprinting on my soul. “Let go.”
My knees lock up as my nails dig into his flesh. Mav’s free arm slips around my waist, supporting me just as I start to fall. A deep moan travels up my throat and he slams his mouth on mine, swallowing it whole. I ride out the rest of my climax on his fingers before his movement finally stills.
I stand, chest heaving in his embrace as he loosens his arm. Maverick withdraws his hand from my shorts before bringing it to his lips. He sucks his fingers into his mouth, hooded eyes slipping closed as he revels in my taste. My thighs instinctually clench together at the sensual nature of his filthy gesture.
“You’re fucking perfect,” he whispers, reaching up to stroke my face.
“I’m broken,” I reply, leaning into his touch.
“I know.” He smiles. “Like I said, fucking perfect.”
We stare at one another for a moment in silence before he gives my ass a light slap. “Come on, baby. You got school.”
His words jolt me back to reality.
“Fuck!” I laugh as I start racing around my room. “I’m so fucking late.”
He chuckles, dropping down onto my bed. He watches me ping pong all over the room until I duck into my closet, emerging seconds later with my plaid uniform skirt, white button-down and tie in hand. I toss them on my comforter next to him before racing to my sock drawer and grabbing a pair of knee highs. Spinning back to face him, I find him standing, holding my skirt out in front of him.
“This is what you wear to school?” he asks, his eyes alternating between me and the fabric clenched between his fingers.
“Yeah? Why?
He makes his way over to me, shaking his head. “I have to go.” He presses the fabric into my chest before leaning in and planting a kiss on my lips.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, my brow furrowed in confusion.
“Nothing’s wrong, baby.” He smirks. “I just need to get out of here before you put that on, because I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt if that skirt goes on while you’re still in my presence, we ain’t leaving this bedroom today.”
My fingers grip the skirt tighter as my face grows hot.
He dips low for one more kiss before making his way toward the window, which I assume is his plan of escape. The increasing amounts of distance being placed between us allows my head to clear long enough to remember my concerns.
“Mav!” I call to him just as he’s about to duck out. He stops, glancing back at me. “Nicky told me you have a Parley today. What happened to Trent?”
He pulls back into my room on a sigh, turning to face me. “I want you,” he confesses, his voice bleeding sincerity. “I know this situation is less than ideal. And I know it’s not gonna be easy.” He slowly approaches me, pinning me with his gaze. “But somehow, I just know you’re worth it.”
My heart cracks open a tiny bit, allowing warmth to trickle out into my chest.
“I’m going to give this my all, Jones. But we have to agree there are going to be certain things we just can’t discuss with each other. I don’t expect you to give me intel on Nicky, and I will never ask you to. But I expect that courtesy to go both ways. Understand?”
I nod slowly, agreeing to his terms.
“I can’t give you specifics, but I can promise you two things. The first being that everything will go fine with Nicky today, so you don’t have to worry.”
“And the second?” I ask, my question coming out cautiously.
He stares down at me, his posture straightening as his jaw goes rigid. “That you will never have to lay eyes on Trent Dixon again.”