“Sorry you got stuck babysitting, JP.” I glance back at him, offering a sympathetic smile.
JP leans forward, popping his head between the front seats and resting his arms against the back of our headrests. “Don’t sweat it, Baby J. If anything, I should be thanking you.” He raises a palm in front of him as though he’s balancing a plate. “Stuffy business meeting with a bunch of crusty old dudes or…” he shifts his hands, the other now rising and mimicking the gesture, “partying in a field with some hotties and getting my dick wet. Hmmm… yeah, I know which option I’d prefer. You did me a solid, babe.” He plants a quick kiss on my cheek as his phone chirps from inside his sweatshirt.
“What makes you think you’re gonna get your dick wet?” Daph snorts, looking over at him.
“Please,” JP scoffs. “I’m a QC Duke, Dee. Chicks line up to fuck us.”
Pulling out his phone, he opens the text while still positioned next to me, allowing my eyes to catch a quick glimpse.
Nicky: Line of sight at all times.
Nicky: That goes for both of them.
JP fires off a thumbs up emoji before shoving it back in his pocket.
“You’re an idiot,” Daphne retorts.
“Yeah, but the scary thing is he’s right,” I chuckle.
“What is it with these bitches today?” Daph huffs, tossing her hands up in a show of obvious frustration. Not sure where this is coming from. “What is so goddamn attractive about being able to say you rode Duke dick? You boys got a benefit package? Rewards program? Three rides and you get a free T-shirt?!”
“No, but solid suggestions, Daph.” JP claps her on the shoulder. “I’ll be sharing them at the next Duke dick community meeting.”
I’m crying from laughing so hard. I swipe under my eyes at the stray tears while trying to catch my breath.
“Okay, chicas.” JP claps his hands together. “Listen up, so Daddy doesn’t have to repeat himself. I’m not here to be up your ass all night. Have fun, stay out in the open. Check in by text every thirty minutes. Jones,” he gestures toward me with his chin, “you carrying?”
“No, you’re with me. I figured it wasn’t necessary.”
He pins me with a glare. “Get in the habit of always having that shit on you, J. Regardless of who you’re with. You feel me?”
I nod.
“Here.” He slips a blade into my hand. “My piece has too much recoil for you. Not to mention, I don’t know how you’d conceal it right now.”
I look down at my black crop top with skeleton hands printed on the front that look like they’re grabbing my boobs. Even with my red and black checkered flannel over top, with my mid-section exposed, there’s nowhere to really hide it. Especially without my ankle or bra holster.
“But,” he continues, “at least this way you have something.”
I close my palm around the cool metal, twirling it between my fingers before slipping it into the side of my bra. I’m not shy around weapons. Nicky’s spent the last year and a half making sure I’m comfortable with both guns and blades.
“Alright, hookers.” JP playfully messes Daphne’s hair. “Let’s go. I’m sure there’s some lonely bitches with daddy issues who require my attention.”
“Oh my God.” Daphne rolls her eyes. “I cannot believe there are women in the world stupid enough to let you inside them.”
“I know, right?” He smiles brightly. “It’s a beautiful thing.”
Two hours later, Daphne and I are snuggled up next to one another alongside the fire. A bunch of kids from school are situated in a large circle around the flames while we laugh about stupid random shit.
I’m nursing a beer, maintaining a decent buzz, but Daph’s half in the bag. She’s at that stage where she thinks everything’s hysterical, which means two more and she’ll be out.
“Yo!” Some idiot calls out from the other side of the fire to no one in particular. “Let’s play truth or dare!”
“Yes!” Daphne hisses, thrusting her bottle into the air. “Finally! Some entertainment!”
“Alright, Daph.” The kid who suggested the game stands up to gain a better view of us from the other side of the pit.