“Mav!” I laugh. “You’re gonna get red lipstick all over you!”

He peers down at me, his face mere inches from mine as I lose myself in those deep jade irises.

“Only pussies would be turned off by the thought of having their girl’s lipstick smeared across their face.” His mouth crashes into my own, his tongue licking the seam of my lips, which I happily part to allow him entry. Our tongues clash in a fight for dominance as we lose ourselves to our desires. Mav’s free hand snakes down my stomach, stopping to palm me through the fabric of my one piece before rubbing slow circles over my clit.

“Shit,” I hiss, breaking our kiss. “You’re not playing fair.”

“We should go home,” he groans, his forehead pressed against mine. “It’s really in everyone’s best interest if you think about it.”

“Oh, yeah?” A breathless chuckle escapes me, my hips angling to give him better access. “Why’s that?”

“Because you’re about to walk in there looking like a fucking sex siren and show all those bitches up. Bride included.” His movements quicken, causing my eyes to roll back in ecstasy. Raising my right leg, the spike of my stiletto plants against the dash as I drop my knee toward the door, opening myself to him. Mav groans in approval as he continues, “Daph will be devasted. It will be anarchy.” His teeth scrape at my lobe. “I can’t allow such a thing to happen.”

My back arches as Mav’s fingers apply increasing amounts of pressure, catapulting me toward my inevitable release. Forcing my eyes open, I find him sporting a mischievous grin, relishing in my undoing. He leans forward, his mouth hovering alongside my ear. “Let go, baby. Be a good girl and come for daddy.” Mav drags his tongue up the length of my throat and a scream tears from my mouth as I explode, a rush of warmth flooding my center.

My chest heaves as I ride out the last wave of my climax, sinking back into the soft leather of my seat. “Oh, you fucking asshole,” I pant, a wide smile slipping into place. “Now I’ve gotta walk in there like this.” I glance down to where Mav’s hand is still cupping me, my panties drenched with the evidence of my recent orgasm. Thank God I’m wearing black. “Daddy, huh?” My brow arches, my intrigue piqued.

Mav pulls back, his teeth sinking into his lower lip as he stares at me looking quite pleased with himself. “I tried it on for size. Honestly? I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did.”

I sit up, twisting toward him as I lean over the center console seductively, encroaching upon his space. “Well, what daddy wants, daddy gets.”

“And just when I thought it wasn’t possible for you to get any sexier.” He presses his lips to mine once more with bruising force. “Come on, baby. Let’s go give these motherfuckers something to talk about.”

“Hold on!” I snicker, flipping down the visor, granting me access to the mirror so I can assess the damage. Retrieving a tissue from my clutch, I wipe away any stray smears of lipstick before reapplying a fresh coat. Following a quick tousle of my hair, I flip the visor closed and turn to face Mav, chuckling at the sight of the red smears across his mouth. “Come here.” I smirk with a shake of my head as I reach over to wipe away any remaining evidence of me from his face.

“I really don’t care, J. You think I give a fuck walking in there like this? Every asshole in there will know what I was doing out here with you. They’ll know you’re mine.” He dives forward, about to make contact once more when I press a finger to his lips.

“My parents are in there. You want Mitch constructing that visual in his head?”

Mav blows out an exaggerated breath, dropping his head to my shoulder. “Fine,” he relents. “I’m going to have a hard enough time convincing your parents I’m not a fucking murderer. Well, I am, but you know what I mean. I don’t need anything else working against me.”

“I told you I explained everything to them. Well, at least the parts I could share. They know there was evidence submitted that cleared your name beyond a shadow of a doubt. They understand, Mav.”

Of course my parents were concerned when news broke Mav had been arrested for murder. However, said concerns were put to rest the moment I told them he was with me the entire night in question. My parents trust me. Not to mention, I’m actually not lying to them about that.

“Let’s hope so.” He scrubs a hand over his face. “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to climb out of that hole otherwise.”

“Nicky vouched for you.”

“What?” His head snaps to my attention.

I look to him, offering an encouraging nod. “Nicky. He was at the apartment with me the next day when my parents called after the news broke. He told them there’s no way you did it. Told them there’s no one on the planet that hates your ass more than him, so if there was any possible way it was you, he’d be the first one to throw you under the bus.” I force out the last words through a series of giggles.

“Motherfucker,” he whispers, offering a disbelieving shake of his head. “He’s gonna go fuck up everything and make me like him, isn’t he?”

I reach over, cupping the side of his face as my thumb caresses his jaw. “Awww,” I playfully mock. “It’s okay, my love. We don’t have to tell him.”

Mav snorts, gesturing toward the hotel with a tilt of his head. “Let’s get in there. Sooner we get this over with, the sooner I get you back in bed.”

“We spend too much time in bed as it is!” I laugh as I hop out of the car, making my way over to him.

“Woman,” he scoops me, tossing me over his shoulder as he carries me through the parking lot like a sack of potatoes, “you are lucky I let you out of that bed at all.”

“What are you gonna do when I have to start work?”

“Sulk,” he deadpans. “Though, I’ll probably start being productive at my job again once that happens, so Finn will be thrilled.”

My laughter intensifies as Mav breaks out into a jog, hurrying around the side of the hotel toward the entrance before he skids to a stop. “Whoa!” he calls out, spinning off to avoid slamming into someone. Mav lowers me into his grasp before gently setting me down.