I bite my lower lip, attempting to stifle a chuckle. “In my defense, I said it was over the top, not that it wasn’t beautiful. That being said, that is a whole lotta ring for one person’s hand.”
Mav rolls his eyes at me as a smirk plays on his lips. “Well, don’t worry. I’ll have to get you a different one because I chucked that one off the balcony after her skank ass tainted it.”
I physically grimace. “Did it hurt?”
“Throwing thirty grand ten stories? Lil bit, baby.”
Releasing my legs from his waist, I drop back down to the floor. My hand caresses his cheek as I offer reassurances. “I don’t need a ring, Mav. Especially not one that costs thirty grand. I just need you. Well,” I playfully shrug, “you and tacos. You know how I feel about tacos.”
“What a coincidence.” He ropes me into his arms once more as he slowly sways us back and forth. “I happen to know a fantastic taco spot with a bathroom I am incredibly fond of.”
I snort, pushing off his chest as I turn to head back toward the kitchen. “Come on, let’s get these boys downstairs and packed away so I can take advantage of you.”
A low groan escapes his throat as he reaches out and smacks my ass. “If I wake up and this is all a dream, I’m gonna be so fucking pissed.”
“Jesus Christ, T!” Finn grunts as he and Mav pour him into Lenny’s sedan. If even one of them was a hundred percent sober, this wouldn’t be such a hardship.
However, when you have two that are half in the bag, and one downright smashed, things tend to go a bit sideways. Literally.
T goes horizontal into the back seat, legs still sticking out the door onto the sidewalk. Finn scoops them up, shoving his feet inside before pushing the door closed against him. Turning to face us, he shakes his head with a smile. “This was a blast. Seriously…” He looks to Maverick who throws his arm around me, pulling me close. “I miss this. It hasn’t been this way in a long time.”
“And that’s on me.” Mav claps his hand on Finn’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Moving forward, it’s gonna be different.”
“Starting with…” I interject, “mandatory Sunday dinners.”
Finn looks to me before glancing to Mav for confirmation.
“You heard her,” he chuckles with a shrug. “Mandatory Sunday dinners.”
Finn’s face splits into a wide grin as he leans in to plant a kiss on my cheek. “We’ll be here. Just let us know what to bring and what time.” He shifts his attention to pull Mav in for a hug, clapping him on the back several times before relinquishing his hold and ducking into the passenger seat of the car. Mav’s hand taps the top twice, giving the go ahead for Lenny to pull away.
He turns toward me, wrapping his strong arms around my frame as we embrace one another on the mostly deserted street, the sun making its descent in the sky.
“How’d you do it?” he whispers softly into my hair.
“What?” I chuckle.
“Fix everything.” Mav pulls me from his chest so he can look upon me. “One day back and you’ve already healed so much.”
“I didn’t do anything special. They miss interacting with you like this. They love you, Mav. Those guys would walk through fire for you. Always remember they’re your brothers first and foremost.” My hand lifts to cup his jaw just as my eye catches briefly on something over his left shoulder. I don’t allow my gaze to linger, fearful I’ll tip them off, but I know what I saw. “Mav.” I smile up at him before pulling him down low, his lips coming to hover mere millimeters from mine. To anyone behind him it’ll look as though we’re kissing. “There’s somebody watching us. Behind you.”
“Where?” he whispers, dragging his nose up the length of my own, his actions giving nothing away to any third-party observers.
“Your five,” I respond with their position. “They’ve got a camera.”
“Get ready.” Mav’s knuckles caress the side of my jawline before snaking down to my hip. “Three. Two. One. Switch.” Mav’s hand presses into my hip just as I step back with my left foot, spinning in place so our positions are now reversed. His right hand grips hold of my left, bringing it up alongside our torsos as we start slow dancing in place. Once again, to anyone watching it simply looks as though we’re lost in each other. However, I’m aware there’s a purpose to our very deliberate actions in this moment.
Mav raises our intertwined hands to twirl me, allowing himself to sneak a glance off in the direction of our anonymous paparazzi. As he pulls me back into him, his lips press a kiss to my cheek before coming to hover next to my ear. “Coffee shop bench?”
He dips me low, my head dropping back before his strong hands pull me upright, molding my chest to his own.
“Yes,” I offer as confirmation.
Mav releases my hand, moving instead to wrap his arms around my waist, drawing me in and pressing his forehead against mine. “Back of my waistband.”