Page 8 of Painting Celia


Even if the magic only happened here when the sun was low, there was room in her backyard for an easel. Certainly, more promise here than at Andrew’s. It would take a few nights if he could only paint at sunset, but he could capture something real up here.

Celia was following him out, clutching both their teacups. She stopped next to him, looking as he did at the view.

She was hard to read. Why was she so stiff? Maybe she didn’t like him. Most people liked him.

He had to ask. He had to paint.

“There is something you could do for me,” he said, “if you’re really offering.”

Her head swiveled to him, her grave eyes meeting his directly. Her hand, holding the tea to him, froze just out of reach.

“Of course I’m offering.”

“I’d like to paint that sunset,” he said. He motioned at the grass in front of them. “Here, with that view.”

Did her face soften just a bit? “You mean, right here?”

She would let him, he could tell. “If you’ll let me.”

“Of course,” she said. “Yes.”

“What if it took a few nights?”


“This week?”

“Tonight, if you want. It’s the least I can do after poisoning you.”

Her gaze was still composed, her mouth solemn, but León thought that might be a joke. He smiled in case it was.

She looked down, saw she still held his tea, and extended it again.

He took it, then clinked his cup lightly against the one she held. A small gasp escaped her as the fine ceramics rang together like a tiny bell. Then, wonder of wonders, she gave him a small, shy smile.

A noise at the side of the house made them both look.

“Hey, no one answered the front door,” Andrew called, entering through the side gate. He was followed by a lean man a bit older than all of them. “I brought Trevor too.”

Trevor was nearly as tall as Andrew, pale-skinned with curly salt-and-pepper hair and stubble. He raised a hand to León in an easy wave but quickly glanced past to Celia, his calm blue eyes studying her through dark-rimmed glasses.

León turned back to see Celia focused on the newcomers, her face alight, relieved smile wide. She sidestepped him and bounded to greet the two men.

León chafed his shoe against the patio, looking back at the view.


Celia’s heart leapt at Andrew’s voice. Oh, thank goodness—reinforcements.

“You holding up?” Andrew asked Celia with a kiss on her cheek as soon as she was within reach.

She grasped his open hand and nodded, relieved but guilty. She should be able to manage her anxiety over new people without help.

León approached, crossing his arms as he drew near. He was still staring at her! His sulky dark gaze had made it hard to talk all morning.

“Sorry to miss dinner yesterday,” Trevor said, leaning in and hugging her shoulder. “The photo shoot went long last night. Did I miss anything?” His mouth twitched as he tried to hide a smile. Andrew must have told him about the shrimp debacle.