“You heard me.”

“Henry…” I pull him to one side and speak in a fierce whisper, conscious of the guests coming into the church. “We haven’t even dated properly yet.”

“We’re hardly strangers. I’ve known you for six years. I bet I know you better than he does.”

Someone says his name, and we glance over to see James beckoning him outside.

“Coming,” Henry calls. He looks back at me. “Cam has never married you. He has no claim on you. You’re not his. You’re mine, and I intend to put a ring on your finger so he and everyone else can see that.”

With a final glare, he walks away and disappears through the door.

I stare after him, stunned into silence. I feel as if I’ve been blasted all over with a blowtorch. My legs are wobbly. I feel a bit faint. Any thoughts I had that this was a little fling, an affair that would soon be over, rapidly vanish. I feel exultant, panicky, excited, and oddly upset, all rolled into one. He wants me, and that thrills me, but it’s too much, too fast, when I haven’t even said goodbye to Cam.

“Hey you! Wow, you look gorgeous.” It’s Aroha. “You okay?” she asks, concerned.

“Um, yes. I got a bit hot in the van and I feel lightheaded.”

“Come on,” she says, sliding her arm through mine. “Sit with me and we can gossip about everyone’s outfits.”

I smile and let her lead me to the end of a pew, and it’s cool there, the deep-red carpet covered with beautiful jewels cast by the stained-glass windows. Gradually my heart rate slows as I sit and listen to the music and chat to Aroha about how gorgeous the women are in their dresses and the guys are in their suits.

The pews fill up, and Damon and Alex take their places at the front. They both look nervous, but I see Alex nod to James at the back and whisper something to Damon, and his whole expression changes, his face lighting up, so I presume Alex has told him that his bride has arrived.

Belle walks down the aisle, and we all inhale at how beautiful she looks in her wedding gown. I watch her blush as her father hands her to Damon, and see his answering smile. I feel a strange twist deep inside. How can Cam say this is outdated and unnecessary? Even if you’re not religious, what can be more touching and affirming than standing before your friends and family and declaring that you love this person and you want to stay with them for the rest of your life?

Behind Belle, the groomsmen leave the bridesmaids and take their places in the pews. This time, Henry sits on the other side from me, which I’m kind of relieved about. I’ve already compared him to the sun, and I feel myself turning to a crisp when he’s in the vicinity. I adore that he’s larger than life, passionate and fierce in his affections. It’s what I’ve always wanted—to be admired and adored. But I need time. Robert Burns said ‘My love is like a red, red rose,’ and I feel the same, except my love for Cam is dying, and I’m waiting to snip off the dead bloom. A new one will grow, and I can already see the shoot. But it takes time to turn into a bud, and then a new flower. It needs careful nurturing, sun and rain. It’ll happen. But you can’t rush these things, and Henry needs to accept that if he wants to be with me.

Still, as I watch Damon slide a ring onto Belle’s finger, I remember Henry’s insistence that You’re not his. You’re mine, and I intend to put a ring on your finger so he and everyone else can see that. Will we be standing here one day, before our friends, promising to love one another till death parts us?

Emotion rushes through me, and when I glance at Aroha, I see her eyes glistening, too. There’s magic in the words, in the rings, in the motes of dust dancing in the jeweled light, and in the happiness that everyone’s feeling today. I lift my face, hoping some of it lands on me.


After the service, we go outside for the photos. Henry’s kept busy organizing guests, and I have a feeling he’s also giving me a little space. So I mingle and chat, and then we make our way to the vans, which take us all back to Brooklyn Heights. Today it’s a sit-down do, and place names dictate where we sit. Henry’s on the same round table as me, but across the opposite side, so we don’t get much chance to talk.

Later, after dinner and the speeches, we all head down to the next terrace where there’s a live band and a DJ, and the dancing is soon underway. I dance with the girls, while the sun slowly sets and the fairy lights flicker on. And then after a while, the music changes to Eric Clapton’s Wonderful Tonight—an oldie but a goodie—and couples slowly take to the floor. I watch Damon and Belle in the center, arms around each other, talking and laughing as they turn to the music. Alex dances with Missie, James comes and takes Aroha’s hand, and Gaby and Tyson turn together.

When Henry comes up to me and holds out his hand, I don’t hesitate to slide my fingers into his and let him lead me onto the dance floor. He holds my right hand and rests his other hand on my waist, and I rest my left hand on his shoulder, and we start moving to the music.

After a while, he slides his hand around to my back, pulling me a little closer. I look up at him, and his eyes are gentle.

“Hey,” he murmurs.


His thumb strokes my hand where he’s holding it. “I want to say I’m sorry,” he states.

“What for?”

“Coming on a little strong.”

I inhale, then let out a long breath.

“I know you need time,” he says. “And I know I can’t force things.”

I look into his eyes, my heart swelling with feelings for him. “Thank you.”

He continues to study me as we move from side to side. “That doesn’t mean I’ve ruled out handcuffing you to the bed.”