“I quit,” he says. “On Monday.”

I stare at him, jaw dropping. “What?”

He studies his hands. “My boss told me I couldn’t have the time off. So I had to.”

I’m so shocked, I can’t think. “Cam, we’ve got bills to pay.”

“I’ll get another job. I was looking around in Sydney. There were several jobs there I could walk straight into.” He finally meets my eyes, resentful, challenging. He’s trying to force my hand.

“What about your parents? You can’t leave them, Cam. Your mum is in a terrible mess, and your dad’s had enough of looking after her.”

“I’m going to talk to them about them moving out with us. She’d be much happier there, nearer to Alan and Em and the baby.”

He’s figured it all out. He’s obviously been thinking about this for a while.

“What about me?” I ask softly. “How do I fit into all this?”

He rolls his eyes as if it goes without saying. “I want you to come with me.” I think it’s the most unromantic thing he’s ever said, and that’s saying something.

My hand creeps to my stomach without meaning to, and before I can stop myself, I say, “I’m pregnant.”

His eyebrows lift. “What?”

“I’m pregnant. I found out on Sunday.”

We stare at each other for a long moment.

“Is it mine?” he asks.

I nod.

“How can you be sure?” he demands.

“Because Henry can’t have children. He has a low sperm count. He spent two years trying to get Shaz pregnant. And anyway, we used a condom. But the last time you and I had sex, we didn’t, remember?” It was the night of our first big argument, so I know he won’t have forgotten.

He continues to stare at me. “Shit.”

I give a short laugh, and my eyes sting. “Is that all you can say?”

“Well, it’s not great timing. But we’ll make it work, I guess.”

I’m speechless with frustration. I don’t know what I’d expected, but something more than this. I wanted him to look excited. To hug me and say it was amazing news. Something, anything to give me a reason to stay.

I get to my feet and go over to the window, wrapping my arms around myself defensively. After a moment, I turn to face him.

“I don’t want to move,” I tell him. “My family and friends are here.”

“We can make new friends together.”

“I happen to like my old friends. And my mum and dad would be devastated if I moved to Australia. They’re going to want to see their first grandchild.” Probably their only one, too, as Antony is gay.

“I can’t stay here,” he says helplessly. “I want to go. And I’d hoped you’d support me.”

“What about you supporting me, Cam? Why is it always the other way around? I don’t ask you for anything. I have a career. People I love. Why should I give them up for you?”

“Is this about Henry?”

I don’t reply for a moment.