Page 37 of The Vampire Oracle

“So, you’re back to the fuck-boy ways?” I asked.

Kier glared. “I didn’t want to fall for Emma, and the moment I did, she didn’t even like me.”

“Perfect. Sal doesn’t like you either.”

His jaw tightened.

Sal finally stood, drawing my attention. Her body beside her right black mechanical arm was tattooed. She stretched, arm moving with her.

Cozen smiled, speaking. The way he looked at her was the same way we do. But the difference was that he always loved her. We just started to, yet we weren’t keen on sharing her with anyone.

Not him.

Sal’s head turned slightly as she looked over at us. Then she moved from the room, silence in the air. Her eyes were locked onto Kier, rage within them.

“Say thank you, Father Kier,” Kier mocked. “Or daddy. That’s an option too.”

Magic spiked in the air, and I grabbed Abel’s and Beck’s shoulders, pulling them a step backward as Psalm flew through the air, hands reaching for her magical weapon.

Two poles appeared in her hand, taller than her. Her hand threw one in the air, and Kier reached for it, hesitating. In a flash, Psalm was in front of him, flipping the weapon faster than I’d ever seen someone do it.

Kier tried to keep up, taking steps back with her.

Her face was blank, focused on the fight. She barely strained.

Kier kicked her weapon away, and in a flash of magic, her arm sculpted into a knife from alchemy. She sliced for him, and he yelped as she scratched his face.

Her arm went back to normal as she stepped backward, kicking her pole in the air. Her left arm caught it, flipping it through the air.

“You ever do something that fucked up again, I won’t hold back, Kier,” she deadpanned.

“You were weak with that arm.”

She nodded as he wiped away the blood from his cheek. “I know… We both know I can fuck someone up without the arm. You just caught me in a bad position.”

He swung the pole at her, and she dropped, leg swinging over her body and hitting his thighs. He stumbled back to his knees. Reaching up, she fisted his hair, pulling him hard on the mat. Her left hand swung the pole down but stopped inches before his face.

“Fuck you, Kier.”

“Would you like to?” he asked with a smirk as she let him go and stood up straight.

Turning, her eyes were set on Osiris.

“Thank God, I am not getting her wrath,” Abel said, earning a hummed “yes” from Cozen and Beck.

Her wrath enticed me. I loved how powerful she felt right now, but I wanted her to feel this powerful when she didn’t have this arm.

“I did nothing wrong to you!” Osiris defended, stepping back as she got close.

Kier got up, about to throw the pole back at her.

She twisted, launching her pole straight into his chest. He hit the ground with a thud as she turned back to Osiris.

“I’m not getting my ass whooped for training you,” Osiris stated.

“Fine, we will train again… soon…” she said, dark eyes running up and down him.

“How does it feel?” I blurted out, eyes running over her sweaty body. She was good at fighting, and that showed. Kier couldn’t even keep up.