Page 46 of Triple the Danger

“No,” Karissa answered. “We officially left. Glitch stayed with the team, and I branched out on my own. I liked to wander and stay busy, and like we said, I had a problem with a former foster sister that killed people to taunt me. But that’s a story for another time. Anyway, our team created the Predators MC and we’re members of it. Glitch is our security guru and hacker extraordinaire who can find anything and anyone when she sets her mind to it.”

“Alright. So what does that have to do with why you’re so unhappy?”

“Because despite being members of that MC, we have been relegated to the roles of Old Ladies unless the Predators men step foot on this club’s grounds,” Glitch replied bitterly. “That meeting today? We weren’t informed it was happening. They went in and shut the door and forgot all about us. It’s a slap in the face of what it means to be part of the team, and we’re done with it. So now we’re trying to decide what to do. I have half a mind to get in a car and drive away for a few weeks. Let them handle shit on their own.” Karissa nodded her agreement.

“Something tells me they’d just chase you down,” Saylor chuckled.

Glitch and Karissa shared a look. “They could try,” Glitch smirked. “Being a hacker has its advantages. I’m one of the best. They wouldn’t find us until I let them.”

“That’s how you figured out who’s after me, right?”

Glitch nodded. “Facial recognition software helps. Honestly, you landed in one of the safest places in the country. You have the club, us, and the Predators are stepping up to keep you safe. Those bastards might think they can get to you, but they’re in for a surprise.”

“It’s you who will be surprised, bitch,” a voice sneered from only a few feet away. Saylor spun to stare as Leon stepped out from behind a tree near the fence line. In his hand was a gun, and it was pointed straight at her. His face was twisted with malice.

Saylor wasn’t afraid. Leon wouldn’t shoot her. Not without that book. Fuck, she wished she just left that book behind; then none of this would be happening. “Leon,” she said calmly. “Back for some more humiliation? I thought for sure that the last punch to the face would have been enough, but then, I was literally naked in front of you with another man’s fingers deep inside me, and you still missed your shot. You really are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?”

Leon’s face flushed with anger. “I’m going to enjoy making you pay for everything you did,” he hissed at her, stepping forward. “But first, where is the book?”

“See, this is why I just can’t believe you,” Saylor huffed, though she noticed out of the corner of her eye that both Glitch and Karissa were getting ready to move. It was subtle, just a slight shifting, but noticeable enough that she knew they were waiting for the right moment to strike. She just needed to keep Leon’s focus. “You really expect me to believe that you’re going to make me pay for what I did, when I took you down with one punch, and you can’t shoot worth a damn?”

His face turned even redder, and she knew she was playing with fire by pushing him. Especially when his grip on the gun tightened, and he drew it up to point it at her head. She held his stare, unflinching. Leon licked his lips and spat out, “You got a lucky hit. I should have killed you that night instead of stopping. Now, I’m not going to ask again. Where is the book?” His finger tightened on the trigger, and she braced herself to jump. She had to hope that his aim was just as terrible at close range.

Before she answered, Karissa sprang into action, but not fast enough - Leon whipped his gun around and fired. Saylor’s heart sank when she heard Karissa’s cry of pain, and then she watched as she crumpled and fell. Glitch made an angry sound as she launched herself at Leon, and Saylor rushed forward, even as Glitch tried to take Leon down. Unfortunately for her, Leon must have expected that because he brought his gun down hard on her head, and she slumped to the ground with a grunt of pain, unconscious.

Saylor’s stomach dropped. Fuck. Please let them both be okay. She didn’t dare move any closer. She had to figure out how to lure Leon back toward the clubhouse, where she could grab one of the MC members to help. That was all she needed. Then she could help Karissa and Glitch. Leon turned on her, and his eyes were wild, feral. “The book!” he screamed.

“I don’t have it,” Saylor told him honestly, and as calmly as she could. She didn’t want him to realize how scared she was. She wouldn’t let him have that satisfaction.

“Don’t you fucking lie to me, you fucking whore,” he screamed, advancing toward her. She backed up, careful to keep some distance between them. She didn’t want him shooting her in the back when she ran, but if she could get close enough to another tree, she might be able to duck behind it and run before he could fire again.

“I’m not lying,” she tossed back, glaring at him as she retreated by one more step. “The MC guys took it. Why do you think they’ve been helping me? They know all about whatever shit you’ve gotten yourself into.”

Leon let out a snarl that belonged to a wild animal, and she was sure he was teetering on the edge of his sanity. Which made him even more dangerous. Fuck. She needed to get out of here. She had to get back to the clubhouse, but at the same time, keep him far away from Karissa and Glitch in case he tried to kill them before he followed her. She wouldn’t put it past him.

Finally, Leon hissed, “You’re going to get it back for me.” He turned his aim toward the two downed women, but never pulled his gaze from her. “Or I’ll kill them now, and there will be two less whores to worry about in this world.”

“Fine,” Saylor replied. “But you leave them the hell alone.”

“You’re not in any position to be making bargains, Saylor,” Leon taunted as he waved the gun. “Start walking before I change my mind.” She continued to draw away, keeping her gaze on him and never turning her back. She had to use her senses to keep from tripping, but she was not going to give him an inch. “Turn the fuck around,” Leon barked at her.

“So you can shoot me in the back? No fucking way,” she scoffed. “Despite what you think, Leon, I’m not stupid.”

“You were stupid enough to think you could get away from me,” Leon reminded her, a smug look transforming his face. “And look where you ended up? A biker’s whore, and at my mercy. Just like I knew you would be.”

“You knew I would be a biker whore?” she asked, arching a brow. “Wow. I had no idea you moonlighted as a psychic, Leon. Tell me, did your premonition include me getting railed by one of the best dicks I’ve ever had? In your vision, did you see all the ways he brought me to orgasm? If you really were psychic, you might have learned a thing or two. You know, about how to actually please a woman.” Just a little farther…

Leon’s face reddened to the point that she was surprised he could still hold the gun steady. It was a cheap shot, but she didn’t care. “You fucking liar,” he seethed. “You liked every second I spent with you. You were screaming my name?—”

“I never once screamed with you,” she corrected him with a scoff. “Of that, I am one thousand percent sure. Leon, sex with you only lasted for a couple of pumps. The one time we were together, I had to take care of myself, because you couldn’t even get me aroused. I was dry as a desert, and you never lasted long enough to notice. You might want to start consulting your visions, or, hell, watch some porn. Might give you some ideas for the next poor girl that gives you a shot. Or guy. Whatever floats your boat.”

Almost there.



The moment Saylor reached the edge of the tree line where the open clearing began, she sprang into action. Using her foot, she kicked up a cloud of dirt and rocks at Leon, and she heard him curse in outrage as she ran. “Saylor!” he roared, and she heard him coming after her.