Page 23 of Triple the Danger

“I don’t think so,” he told her with narrowed eyes. “We have some things to discuss. Now, are you going to leave quietly, or do I need to carry you again?”

“And here I thought you learned your lesson the first time you manhandled me,” she sneered. “I’m not talking anymore, Jax.”

“Well, that’s too damn bad.” He ignored the grins and smirks aimed his way as he pulled her toward the door. She didn’t fight him this time, but he could all but feel the waves of anger rolling off her. That was fine, he was ready for whatever she decided to throw at him. Instead of heading for the apartment, he switched directions and headed for the stairs. He was going to need a smaller space so she couldn’t run off on him.

“Where the hell do you think you’re taking me?” she demanded, trying to dig in her heels. Instead of answering, he stopped, spun around, and scooped her up into his arms, only tightening his grip when she tried to struggle and push away. “Put me down,” she barked at him, which he promptly ignored as he headed up the stairs.

“Call if you need help, brother,” Ink shouted, laughter in his voice.

A grin pulled at his lips, but he didn’t answer. He just tightened his hold, picked up his pace, and tuned out Saylor cursing at him. When he finally reached his room, he managed to get the door open and then stalked inside, kicking the door shut behind him. He set Saylor down, and managed to dodge the punch she aimed at his head, and the knee heading for his groin again. Instead, he gripped her wrists, spun her into the door, and pinned her arms above her head. She struggled some more, but he managed to get his knee between her legs before she could use them to lash out again. “Enough,” he grunted.

Her blue eyes flared, making them look like icy blue glaciers. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” she hissed.

“I’m the man that saved your ass today,” he replied sharply, making her stiffen, and her face flush with fury. It was a dick thing to say, but he didn’t get the feeling that Saylor was going to listen otherwise. He was learning pretty quickly this woman was a lot like his brother’s Old Ladies. Headstrong, stubborn, and damn ferocious when they were pissed off. Good thing he’d watched the other men handle their women and picked up a few tricks along the way, because he was going to need to use them all with her.



Clearly the man was delusional if he thought he was going to use that to weasel his way out of all this alpha-hero bullshit. “Fine, thank you for making sure I didn’t get shot,” she clipped. “Now, let me go, or I’m going to get really mad, and you don’t want that.”

He didn’t move, his green eyes staring down into hers, hard and unyielding. “I’ll let you go, as long as you promise to behave and not knee me in the balls for a third time, or try to leave. We need to talk.”

The audacity of this man…

“Fine,” she lied. “Now let me go.”

He still didn’t move, narrowing his eyes at her instead. But finally, he must have decided to trust her, because he carefully stepped back and released her hands, letting them fall. She rubbed at her wrists and glared at him. Then she spun on her heel and wrenched open the door. If he thought she was going to stay put, he had another thing coming. Of course, she wasn’t expecting the annoyed sigh, or the arm that wrapped around her waist and pulled her back so fast that she barely got one foot out the door. She let out a low growl, and then a screech as he slammed the door and hauled her back against him before turning, sending them both falling onto the bed, where he pinned her again. His eyes were glittering as he stared down at her. “What part of we need to talk, didn’t you understand?”

“The part where you thought you could order me around,” she snapped, trying to buck him off. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t at a great angle, and she was tired. Not to mention, her ribs were still healing, so she didn’t have her usual strength and flexibility. Thankfully, he wasn’t crushing her, but she didn’t want to stay this way. “We fucked, it was one and done, and now I’m going to pretend I’m just on a quick little pit stop, do some work, and avoid you and everyone else until I can leave. Simple.”

“You really think that you can avoid me on a compound full of bikers?”

“I can give it the old college try. Now, would you get the hell off me? I’m tired of this, and I want to shower and go to sleep.”

Again, he didn’t budge. “And I told you we need to talk. The sooner we get this done, the faster you can do all of that.”

Irritation had her huffing out a sigh, but finally she gritted out between clenched teeth, “Fine. But get off me. My ribs are still healing, and the last thing I need is to have a setback because of your giant ass crushing me.”

“You didn’t have a problem with my ass earlier,” he returned, but he eased off her before sitting up and keeping his back to the wall so he could face her.

She sat up too and looked around quickly. It surprised her to see how clean and organized the room was. She could appreciate it, since she also hated a messy space, but this was almost a little too organized for her. The room wasn’t spacious, but that might have been because of the number of things in it. His bed was pushed against the wall, with a small desk directly across from it. To the left was a decent sized closet that was organized, with a smaller dresser inside it. On top of that were a few things that she couldn’t quite make out, but she turned her gaze back into the room. Just outside the closet was a nightstand that was close to the bed, with an older looking lamp sitting closest to the edge near the bed, and nothing else. She turned her head to the right, and directly beside the end of the bed was what she assumed was the door to the adjoining bathroom.

Among it all, she didn’t see one thing out of place, or anything discarded on the floor. Not exactly how she figured a biker’s room would look.

“Do you not spend much time in here?” she asked him curiously, turning to look at him.

He shrugs. “Not much. I’m usually downstairs or in the garage. It’s just a place to sleep, most nights.”

“Or fuck club girls,” she added with an arched brow.

“Sometimes. Other times I fuck them downstairs and call it good,” he declared bluntly.

She was surprised he would admit it so easily. She was even more surprised at the flash of jealousy that boiled through her before she forced it down to a barely noticeable simmer. She had no claim on him, and it wasn’t like she hadn’t slept with other people before, so she couldn’t be upset about it. “Classy,” she drawled instead. “Though, I suppose I should have figured you were an exhibitionist, with how we had sex on your bike where anyone could have driven up on us.” Then a thought occurred to her, and a slow smile of utter satisfaction pulled at her lips.

Jax’s eyes narrowed and a cautious expression covered his face. “What’s with that look?”

“I was just thinking that Leon would have gotten a good eyeful of what we did on your bike, and that’s probably why he was so pissed,” she giggled. “The one time I slept with him, he was so focused on himself that after he finished, I just left. He was pissed, thinking I should have been comatose. That wasn’t long before beating me. Safe to say he was pissed watching me with someone who could actually make me scream.”