Saylor shook her head. “I’ve seen a white car, a silver car, and a dark colored one. I couldn’t tell you if they were all the same model or anything though. The only thing was that they were all cars, not trucks or SUVs.”
“Did you get a good look at the car that prick was driving?” Savaged asked Ice, and Steel.
“Fucker left on foot, we didn’t see or hear a car,” Ice answered grimly. “And no sign of one from the road. Either he hid it, or he’s using some other mode of transportation.”
“There’s a little known dirt road not far from the one you take to get to the pond,” Jax butted in. “But there’s a lot of trees and sometimes if you go by too quickly, you don’t realize it’s there. He could have been hiding there and waited for you to leave.”
“Fuck,” Ice hissed. “I forgot about that one.”
“Too late to worry about it now,” Steel agreed.
“When you’re doing your search, see if any of these idiots after her rented cars or just driving around in their own,” Savage ordered Code, who nodded and typed something on his laptop. “What color is your ex’s car?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “He either walked to meet me, or I picked him up. He told me the first couple times his car was in the shop with some major issues, and I didn’t question it. I do know he had some car keys on a hook in his apartment. I did ask him about them, and he said they were his spares because he was always locking his keys in the car.”
“You don’t think that’s true?” Ink asked.
She shrugged. “Seems odd to me to have a couple different spare keys, but I guess anything is possible. And now knowing he works for Frank, it could be those are for cars Frank wants him to use.”
“She has a point,” Jax agreed. “Do we know how big of an operation this Frank guy is running?”
“Big enough that the local cops are trying to link multiple assaults and murders to him,” Saylor replied. “He’s known as a mean SOB, and when things don’t go his way, he gets violent. But he’s been good at staying ahead of the law and weaseling his way out of trouble.”
“Probably gets his men to do all the work so he can’t be incriminated,” Ice said grimly. “That’s what a lot of these scumbags do.”
“I wonder how much reach he has,” Razor questioned with a frown. He looked at Saylor. “Did your ex say if Frank mostly kept his operation local?”
She shook her head. “I didn’t ask, and I doubt he would volunteer that information. He told me he was a banker.”
“Still, even if he doesn’t have reach past his own territory, he’s probably got allies in other areas he can call on if he needs them,” Code suggested. “Glitch and I can look into his known associates and see if we can find any connections that could be a problem.”
“Good,” Savage said with a nod. The door opened and Fury walked in, carrying Saylor’s bag. He walked over to Saylor and handed it to her.
Saylor hesitated for a moment before she opened the bag, rooted around, and then stopped, lifting her gaze to glare at Fury. He smirked at her. “Did you really think I was going to let you have access to a gun?” he asked her.
“It’s still my property. I wouldn’t actually shoot anyone,” she griped as she rooted around some more until she finally pulled out a small black book, setting it on the table.
Jax picked it up. It didn’t look like anything special. A little black notebook with a small red ribbon, no bigger than his hand. Easily carried and easily concealed. He opened it and flipped through it, taking in the messy scrawl that filled half the pages. Some of the notes didn’t make sense, while others did. But he didn’t see the list Saylor mentioned. He opened the book to the hard exterior, looking on the inside flap and running his thumb over it. Then he went to the back and did the same. He felt nothing. He glanced at Saylor expectantly. “Where’s the list?”
She reached out and took the book, turning to the back of it, and even though he checked and felt nothing, she used her fingernail to gently pull back the edge of the inside cover, revealing a very carefully hidden fake seam in the cover that was so small he was shocked that something could fit there. Then she extracted a sheet of paper, neatly folded. She handed it over to Savage as soon as he held out his hand.
“Holy shit, how the hell did you find that?” Jax asked, shocked.
“My nail caught on it one night,” she explained. “At first I thought I just ripped it, but when I started to pull it back a little bit more, I felt it give. I don’t know how Leon did it, but honestly, that’s when I knew that I needed to run, far and fast.”
“How many names are on the list?” Fury asked Savage.
“Seven. But they’re not full names. It’s first initial and last name, and then some random amounts and symbols. Never seen this kind of shit in my life,” he grumbled, handing the list to Code.
Code’s eyes narrowed on the list. “Me either. But everyone has their own system of recording things. I’ll work on running these names to figure out who they are and how much they owe this Frank guy.”
“Good,” Savage said. Then he turned to Saylor. “Anything else we need to know?”
Saylor shrugged. “Probably, but nothing I can think of now. What I want to know is when you’re giving me my gun back.”
“When hell freezes over. If you do think of anything to add, let Jax know immediately,” Savage ordered. She scowled at him but didn’t reply. Jax tried not to smile. He could already see he was going to have his hands full, but he also nodded when Savage looked to him for confirmation. “Someone look over her car to see if there is anything there that shouldn’t be. If you find something, smash it. Code, get the Prospects pictures of Saylor’s ex and this Felix asshole so they don’t accidentally let them on the grounds or in the bar. With Esme at the desk and answering calls at the shop means there is a chance one of these assholes could try and get their car in. So Rogue and Fury, you keep an eye out.” Both men nodded. “Good. Now, I’m going home to be with my woman and kids.” He banged down his gavel, stood, and then stalked out of the room.
“He’s a ray of sunshine, isn’t he?” Saylor remarked as she slowly stood. The room filled with snickers and grins. But when Saylor moved to leave the room, Jax gripped her arm to stop her. She turned her head to glare at him.