Page 14 of Triple the Danger

“I’m sure,” she reiterated.

He shrugged. “Alright, if you say so.” He racked the balls and motioned for her to break again.

Saylor allowed herself to play better this time, though she still let him win. Karissa was watching her carefully, but when Saylor caught her eye, Karissa grinned, clearly understanding what she was up to. She gave a subtle thumbs up, and Saylor gave her a sly wink in return. “Better, right?” Saylor said to Jax with a smile. “Let’s do one final round? Loser buys drinks.”

Jax chuckled. “Sugar, we already went over that we don’t pay for drinks. But I’m all for a wager, if you like.”

“What kind of wager?” she asked.

“You lose, you go for a ride on my bike with me. I lose, your choice,” he offered with a smug smile.

“A ride on your bike if I lose?” she repeated. “How is that a losing situation for me?”

His eyes darkened at her words before he replied, “Depends on where I take you. Trust me?”

“Said the big bad wolf,” Karissa snickered.

They ignored her. “I don’t know you,” Saylor reminded him calmly. Then she grinned. “But sure, for this, I think I can agree to that bet. Rack ‘em up, biker man, and let’s see what happens.”

Jax smirked but did as ordered. “Kick his ass,” Karissa murmured to her when she passed, and Saylor winked.

She let Jax break first, and when he rounded the table, he leaned in and whispered, “Gonna be interesting having you on the back of my bike, sugar. Haven’t had a woman on the back before, and I bet feeling you squeezing me tight with those thighs of yours is going to feel damn good. Wonder how you’re going to react to the vibrations.” Then he pulled away, and she couldn’t stop the shiver that worked down her spine at what he was implying.

Somehow, she managed to keep her composure and smiled at him serenely as he leaned over in front of her to line up his shot. She wasn’t sure what got into her, or why the little devil on her shoulder wanted to come out to play, but she leaned forward and whispered before he took the shot, “It’ll probably make me nice and wet, if experience is anything to go by.” Then she pulled away, a self-satisfied smile on her lips as he missed his shot.

He cursed but then looked at her with heated eyes as she moved around the table to take her own shot. “Been on bikes before, babe?” he asked her casually when she took her shot and sunk the ball.

“No,” she admitted as she moved, her next shot putting her right in front of him. She looked up at him coyly, and heat stirred in her belly. Why the hell was she letting this happen? She didn’t know this man, and she knew she was playing with fire. But she didn’t care. Maybe it was finally being able to relax for one night in so long, or maybe she had finally lost her mind. But she heard herself tell him softly, “But I love all kinds of other things that vibrate and hit just the right spot.” She turned away when she heard his sharp inhale.

She leaned over the table and lined up her shot, stilling when she felt his hand fall to her hip. She turned her head to look at him, and his face was full of desire. She forced herself to turn away, but she still missed her shot and cursed under her breath. If she wanted to win, she needed to get a grip and stop letting this man get to her.

Tell that to your wet panties.

She ignored that traitorous voice and watched as he moved to take his shot, sinking the ball easily. The two of them went back and forth in silence for another few minutes, but between the heated looks and the subtle touches and brushes, she was ready to say fuck the game and jump his bones here. The man was damn good, but she told herself to get a grip.

She took a deep breath as he stood after missing his shot and then gave him a smug smile. It was time to stop playing around and end this thing. “Did I happen to mention earlier that a national champion taught me how to play pool?” she asked carelessly as she moved to line up her shot.

Jax and Razor looked at her sharply, while Karissa grinned fiercely. “What?” Jax asked, clearly confused.

Saylor nodded as she took aim, sinking the difficult shot with ease. “Yeah, see, before he became an MMA trainer, he was damn good at pool, enough that he got national attention and joined a team. Went all the way to the national championship. He taught me a few things.” She moved around the table, sinking each of her balls until only the eight ball remained. She watched Jax as she lined up the shot, and didn’t look away as she took it. She knew it would go in. It was a shot she had made hundreds of times, and it sailed into the pocket with barely a sound but the clatter of it hitting the other balls inside. “And I’ve used those lessons to win games against cocky men like you,” she finished proudly.

Karissa laughed while Razor shook his head in disbelief. Jax’s eyes were wide, but not much else in his expression changed. Karissa held her hand up for a high-five. “Fucking right, girl,” she praised. “That’s how you do it.”

Saylor handed Karissa the cue and let her gaze hold Jax’s as she rounded the table to him. “Looks like I won,” she pointed out.

“You did,” he agreed, his eyes holding hers. “So, what’s your prize going to be, sugar? Fair’s fair, even if you did swindle me into thinking you weren’t a shark.”

The heat between them was thick, almost suffocating, and she couldn’t seem to pull her gaze away from him. Maybe she was crazy, but this man was drawing her in, and even if it was only going to be for one night, she wasn’t ready to walk away yet. She was lonely. Being on the road for so long, and this man was the first to make her feel this way in a long damn time. It would be a shame to waste it. So she replied, “I want a ride on your bike. Then we’ll see what happens from there.”

His eyes flashed with desire, and his arms came around her waist and pulled her into him. She didn’t fight him, just stared up at him. “You understand what you’re asking me, Saylor?” he asked her quietly so only she could hear. “Because I get you alone, and I don’t know that I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself.” It was a warning and a promise.

She reached up and pulled his head down so she could murmur in his ear. “Maybe it’s me that won’t be able to keep my hands to myself. Let’s see how your bike’s vibrations compare to anything else huh?”

He didn’t reply, he just took her hand and pulled her toward the exit. She heard Karissa laugh behind her, but she didn’t bother to look back. She was far too excited.