Page 59 of Triple the Danger

She tried to hold back her laughter, but it was near impossible when she knew what would happen. She walked in on the plan being put into action, and she just about fell over from laughing so hard. Hell, Esme ran to the bathroom as soon as she started, sure she would pee herself. She just turned and walked away, still laughing as the twins grinned at her and the man beside them, who looked positively giddy at what he was helping them do.

However, she had a feeling that when Rogue found out, he would have a coronary. She just hoped that Taz could run away fast, before he could tear him a new one. When it came to the girls, the man did not play, and he did not like to admit that they knew anything about this kind of thing.

Now, she was sitting and waiting, for their little plan to become obvious. Jax was focused on whatever car he was working on in the garage, and Esme said he hadn’t come up to look around in hours. She spent more time getting to know all the women, including the girls, and they clued her in on what the girls went through. And seeing how well adjusted they are, despite everything they’ve been through, is amazing. She was excited to see them grow up over the next few years.

The past few weeks had been a whirlwind. It had taken her a week to get home, and another week to get everything sorted, packed, and shipped. And then another week to drive back. Of course, the minute she pulled into her new place, Jax was waiting for her, along with most of the men from the club, to help unload and set up her new home.

She was lucky; in the few days it took for Jax to fix Mater’s car, she found the perfect place, not too far from the compound but still in town and close to all the shops. It was a cute little house, with three bedrooms and a beautiful wrap-around porch she loved to sit out on in the mornings and sip her coffee.

Having lived there for the last month, she knew that she had made the right choice. She felt happy and settled. Something she wasn’t sure she ever really felt before now. The landlord was a sweet older lady that was happy to see the place being used instead of sitting vacant. She pretty much gave her carte blanche to update the place as she wanted, and Saylor was already planning on a few renovations that would make it much more functional. Jax heard her plans and smiled, telling her to let him know so he could get started.

She supposed he was saying that because he was living with her and planned on putting his own touch on it. True to his word, he was at her place every night from the day she moved in. At first, she put up with it because she knew it was important to him, but within two weeks, she caved and told him to move in. She found she liked having him there. They had their spats, mostly over things being messy, but they were finding their footing and making things work. She agreed that the bedroom and bathroom they shared would remain clean and organized the way he needed them, but her office and spare bathroom were hers, and she could do as she liked. They worked together to keep the common areas manageable for him, but without being overly fussy. So far, it was working, and she hoped it stayed that way.

Though, after he saw this, she had to wonder if he would still be all smiles.

Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait much longer, as Jax, Razor, and Rogue strode out of the garage and came to a stop just outside the doors. Saylor managed to control her laughter, but barely. “What the fuck?” Rogue demanded, Razor started hysterically laughing, and Jax just stood there, completely dumbfounded.

Saylor couldn’t contain her laughter anymore, letting it flow. Which of course, set off the twins, Esme, and Taz. Jax’s gaze instantly went to her, eyes narrowing. She only laughed harder.

“Did you really think we would forget?” Wren taunted once she managed to get herself under control. “How’s this for a pain in the ass, Jax?” She let out another snort and started laughing again.

Saylor had to brace herself on the edge of the building to keep from falling over. She instantly knew this was payback for the comment Jax had made all those weeks ago about the Old Ladies all being pains in the ass. With Taz’s help, they covered Jax’s bike seat in dildos of every size, shape, and color, and on his saddle bags, they taped bottles of lube, in every flavor they could find.

“Where the fuck did you get all of those?” Rogue demanded, aiming a furious glare at them. “If you two went into some kind of porn shop…”

“Of course not,” Win laughed weakly. “That’s what we have Mr. Kinky Extraordinaire for,” she said with a jerk of her thumb to Taz, who was grinning like an idiot.

“I’m going to kill you,” Rogue vowed.

“Not before I get my shot,” Jax argued, glaring at Taz. “Former mercenary or not, I’ll kill you if you damaged my bike.”

“Bring it,” Taz invited. “I’m the fun Uncle, remember? When they mentioned their plan, I, of course, wanted to aid them in any way I could. I’m pretty sure there are rumors going around town now about what I’m into, with the amount I bought, but that only made it more fun,” he said with a wicked grin.

Jax turned to look at Saylor. “Did you know about this?”

“Nope. I walked up as they were finishing. But damn, that was worth the look on your face,” she laughed. “You have to admit, it’s pretty damn clever, and a very smart way of saying fuck you. Literally.” She snorted out another laugh. She turned and high-fived both girls and Taz, who were still grinning, pleased at their little prank.

Razor, finally having recovered himself, wiped at his eyes and said, “Fuck, I can’t wait until the guys get ahold of this.”

Jax scowled at that. “You two,” he told the girls, “are going to take all this shit off. And you are going to supervise,” he told Taz. “I’m going to kick your ass if you damaged it.”

“Fine,” Wren said with a shrug. “Honestly, I’m surprised there were so many options. I mean, why do you need so many shapes and lengths?”

“Well, that’s because?—”

“Shut up,” Rogue barked at Taz before he could respond. Taz gave him a wicked grin, knowing full well what he was doing.

Jax walked over to her, took her hand, and pulled her along with him as he headed for the clubhouse. “You’re in trouble, woman,” he warned her. “Laughing at that shit.”

“It was hilarious, and you know it,” she said, uncaring. “You’re just mad because they did it where all your brothers could see.”

“Damn right,” he growled as he hauled her up the steps and inside. He ignored the laughs and jokes called their way. Clearly, the gossip train worked fast. “It’ll be months before that shit blows over. And if I have to suffer, so do you. Which means you’re going to make it up to me on your knees after I grab a shower.”

That didn’t sound like a punishment to her, but she’d go along with it. She just finished her period, so they hadn’t had sex in almost a week, and she was horny as hell. He pulled her up into his room and kicked the door shut with a slam. Then he turned her and pressed her against it, his lips taking hers. She moaned into his mouth, loving the taste of him. She was sure she would never get tired of this. Of him.

The last month proved to her that she had made the right choice. She couldn’t see herself with anyone else. Jax was exactly what she needed. Who she needed. And their chemistry hadn’t waned in the slightest. Maybe it would in the future, but they were already building a solid foundation and she was the happiest she’d been in a long time. He even put the club girls in their places when they realized she was going to be around permanently. Loni lost her shit but as soon as Jax laid into her, she backed off, especially when he threatened to remove her from the club. Since then she’d only glared at her from across the room, eyes full of hatred. Not that Saylor cared. She had her man, and she had no problem dealing with any of the club girls.

When Jax pulled his mouth from hers, he stared down at her. “You’re a pain in my ass, baby, but I don’t mind because I love you.”