Page 56 of Triple the Danger

“And finally, it’s been agreed that we should take your suggestion. When you are on these grounds, you are Old Ladies, you will wear your Dragons MC cuts, and you will not involve yourselves in any club business. In return, we will not involve you. Glitch, for you specifically, we will not ask you to handle any security or information for our club. You’ve helped in the past, and we’re grateful, but that ends now. Code will handle that all from now on. We will also agree when you are away from our club, or if the Predators MC is on the grounds, you will be respected and treated as one of their members. You will wear their colors, and you will be invited into this room alongside them. As you suggested, when you are here as their member, you will sit with them, away from your men to avoid any confusion. And you will be present in an observatory capacity, the same as the rest of them. If the Predators are here helping, then it will be your choice at that time to assist if you like. However, if the issue is not resolved and the Predators leave, your involvement will cease. You will not be invited back in, and you will return to Old Lady status. Is that acceptable?”

Karissa and Glitch looked at each other and then at each of their members. Finally, they turned, and both of them nodded. “That’s acceptable,” they said.

“And just so we’re clear,” Glitch added, “we’re not trying to cause a divide. This is all we wanted, and we’ll keep our end of the bargain.” Karissa nodded her agreement.

“Good,” Savage said. Then he moved around the table and held out his hand to them. Both of them shook his hand, and Jax smiled. He never thought he would witness this kind of moment, especially from Savage, but there was a first time for everything. Savage then looked to Simba. “I apologize to you as their President for any disrespect and hope that it won’t affect our alliance for the future.”

Simba nodded. “Accepted, and our alliance is secure.”

The tension in the room evaporated. Of course, that couldn’t be the end of it. Taz piped up, “Thank God. I was worried I was going to have to put up with these two demons again. They’re awful mean to me, and I just don’t think I could take any more of their abuse.”

The room filled with snorts and laughter. “I’m still trying to decide if I want to leave your ass behind when we go home,” Simba joked.

“No thanks,” Savage drawled. “I already deal with enough crazy shit around here.” Taz pouted, feigning affront. “Alright, we’ll call this done and over. Let’s get everything ready to get rid of our guest and get back to fucking normal.” A cheer of agreement went around the room.

Jax was up and moving, heading for the door. He needed to find Saylor, and they needed to talk.



The phone rang twice before she heard, “Do I need to send an extraction team to come and save your ass?”

She laughed. “Mater, you send Ty down here, and I’d have to kick his ass to prove a point. You really want to lose one of your best fighters?”

“Boy could use a good knock back down to earth,” Mater grumbled. “If he weren’t so damn talented, I’d have kicked him to the curb long ago. Now, what’s going on that’s made you call so soon? Them bikers giving you trouble?”

He always was astute, she’d give him that. “Not in the way you’re thinking,” she admitted with a sigh. “The good news is that the issue with my ex is over. I don’t have to run anymore.”

Mater was silent for a moment. “But you’re thinking of staying,” he finally guessed.

“A part of me is, yeah,” she admitted. “But the other part of me wants to come home and return to normal.”

“What’s making you want to stay? Or maybe it’s a who?”

Smart bastard. “It’s a who but also a what. One of the men here, he’s…he’s caught my attention and wants me to stay. He wants me to make a go of it with him. And some of the people in this club are amazing. You’d love them. Two of the women would wipe the floor with your guys without breaking a sweat.”

“And you think if you stay, you’re going to regret it?”

“That, and I worry it’s too much too fast. I mean, I’ve been living on the road for a month. Maybe I’m just missing human interaction, and now I’m mistaking lust for something more.”

Mater snorted. “Saylor, that’s the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard. You are one of the most level-headed people I know, and you don’t do rash decisions. You don’t mistake anything. You know your own mind and you reach for what you want with both hands. That’s who you are, and if someone is making you doubt that, then you best be kicking their ass to the curb.”

“Only if I can kick my own ass there,” she joked. “Honestly, it’s me. It just feels too fast, too sudden.”

“Women love to overthink things,” he grumbled. “Look, it’s a simple question. Do you want to stay? Your gut reaction, not the one that’s banging around in that overcrowded head of yours.”

“Yes,” she replied instantly, her stomach jittering at the realization that she did indeed want to stay. Wanted to give Jax a shot. “Shit.”

Mater chuckled. “And this guy that has you so tied up in knots, you want him?”


“Then you have your answer. So now the question is, do you want me to pack up your things and have them sent to you?”

Saylor snorted. “And have you going through all my stuff? Or worse, the guys? I don’t think so. They don’t need to find my vibrators and shit.”

Mater made a sound of disgust. “Fucking hell, Saylor, I don’t need to know that shit. Fine, come home and we’ll help you pack, but we’ll stay out of your personal items, how’s that?”