Page 168 of Hidden Empire

His lips twitch as he reads the message, and I’m already walking out before he can kiss her. Her message appears silently on my screen seconds later.


Okay, have fun! Or be tough and scary, whichever is applicable.

Sighing, I collect all my sons and force them out of the house with me.

Chapter 46


My wife runs up the stairs, pulling me behind her like she isn’t almost in her second trimester of pregnancy. Her giddiness gives me a bit of guilt, but withholding sex in this house has been extremely necessary. While her father and brothers may have shifted to liking me in the passing weeks since I arrived, I could ruin all of that by subjecting them to the sound of my wife in the throes of pleasure.

I haven’t been able to keep my hands off her entirely, of course. That’d be nearly impossible. She’s been asking me for sex since the minute I arrived. Silently pleading with her eyes, actually pleading with her lips. It’s been a true test of strength, resisting her and giving her something to palette her hormones so that she can calm down.

I’ve fingered her daily, keeping her quiet in the shower or muffling her whimpers by covering her mouth with my hand. I haven’t been able to give her my mouth or my cock, no matter how badly she’s been begging for them. There’s no way to keep her quiet with either of those, and it hasn’t just been difficult for her. I’ve wanted to feast on her since the second I arrived.

She’s absolutely stunning, just as she always has been, but even more so now. She’s growing my children, and her body is changing in the most beautiful ways. Her face is glowing, her breasts are swollen, her cheeks always have a pink tint, and her hips are more prominent in a way that I can’t get enough of.

We touch each other constantly, caressing and squeezing. Her with my arms, chest, and shoulders. Me with her arms, face, hips, and ass. We’ve been playing a teasing game that’s clearly come to a head. Jade was seconds away from pulling my cock out in her family’s kitchen, and there was no way I could allow us to be caught there. I was about to pull her out to the pool house and finally give in there.

At least the landscapers mowing the lawns would provide some kind of buffer for our sounds, but it wouldn’t be what my wife deserves. A hotel would give us the bed and privacy, but I can understand why she’d prefer it here.

This is her home, and if she wants me to take care of her needy little pussy in her own bed while her family is away, I can give her that. I’m not so quick to believe that all of her brothers, her father, and her uncle have just decided to leave for a few hours. Still, I won’t question it. Not when she’s been waiting so well for me, and she’s finally gotten an opening to get exactly what she wants.

My wife wants to get fucked, and I’m more than willing to provide.

“Slow down, Krasotka,” I encourage as we get to the top of the stairs. “We have time.”

“No way,” she shoots back, rushing me to her bedroom door. “I am not wasting a second. I want everything, and for everything, we need time.”

My wife shoves me into her familiar room, slamming the door behind us and locking it just to be safe. A locked door wouldn’t have been enough assurance for me before, but her own father texting her that they were all leaving, it's enough.

“Why are your pants still on?” she pouts, looking at my bottom half with disappointment.


“Oh no,” she interrupts, shaking her head and narrowing her eyes. “Don’t Jade me; you read the message, it’s go time, mister.”

I have to stifle a laugh. Go time.

“Baby,” I correct, cupping the sides of her face. “Slow down, my greedy girl. You know I’ll take care of you, take a deep breath for me, my love.”

Shakily, she inhales and blows out a breath.

“Another, Krasotka,” I instruct. “Show me you’re ready for me.”

Like she’s told, Jade sucks in a deep breath, blowing it out more controlled than the last.

“That’s a good little wife,” I praise, watching her shiver before sealing my lips down on hers. She moans on contact, trembling hands fisting my shirt for stability. I shift one hand to her lower back, using the leverage to tug her against me, forcing her to gasp. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you, baby?”

“Fuck me,” she whispers her guess breathlessly, eyes flooded with lust.

I shake my head, and she whines.

“First, I’m going to devour your sweet, dripping pussy,” I inform her, walking her backward to the bed. “I’m going to get my fill, licking you until you come all over my face. And then, my darling wife, I’m going to fuck you until you’re crying that you can’t take anymore. Any objections?”

“No,” she rushes out, almost snapping the word.