Page 130 of Hidden Empire

“I’m not in shock,” I assure him. I’ve been in shock before. “It just reminded me.”

“Reminded you?” Ivan asks. “Reminded you of what, Jade?”

Our eyes meet, and I lock my hands together, beginning to stroke them with my thumbs. Self-soothing isn’t a guarantee for me, it doesn’t always help. But knowing I’m surrounded by people who are willing to keep me safe, that’s what will help me calm.

“Jade,” Ivan repeats, softly touching the back of his hand to my forehead. “What did it remind you of?”

The last time I felt fear like that…

Even though Ivan has heard my story, the people around us haven’t. I’m sure that’s what he’s assuming, that my heightened fear is a product of having to run for my life before, but I’ll confirm it for him another time.

I shiver, tucking my head against his chest. “Tell you later,” I mumble quietly.

I wish Dmitri were here. He’d probably steal me off of Ivan and hold me even tighter, but it would be okay. The whole world melts away when I’m in his arms, and I really think I want the world to melt right now.

Tempted to fall asleep, my eyes flutter shut, only for Ivan to shake me.

“Do not do that,” he warns sharply. “You’ll give me a heart attack.”

“Ivan,” an unfamiliar voice speaks. It’s the same guy from before. The one who had Svenson pinned to concrete in two seconds flat. And he’s holding a stack of fabric that vaguely resembles a boys uniform.

“Here,” he offers, outstretching the bundle of dry clothes.

“My spares,” Ivan explains, taking them from him. “Good thinking.”

He nods, about to step away or turn around.

“What’s your name?” I ask the big guy before he can leave.

His answer is immediate and direct. “Anatoly, Koroleva.”

I smile. “What does that mean? Koroleva.”

Anatoly hesitates, looking at Ivan.

My boyfriend’s brother smirks. “Koroleva is a term for queen. It’s what we call the Pakhan’s wife.”

My heart races, but a question lingers. “But Dmitri isn’t Pakhan yet.”

“No, but the Pakhan is currently unmarried, and that makes you Koroleva.”

I nod in understanding. “Well, thank you, Anatoly. You acted so quickly, and I appreciate it a lot.”

“It is my job,” he says carefully, but his eyes become soft and gooey. Oh, he’s a gentle giant until provoked, I just know it.

“And he’ll be rewarded for protecting his Koroleva fiercely.”

Ivan carries me into the private locker room, putting me into a changing room and guarding the door while I slip into his clothes. They fit much better than Matteo’s do, but they’re still a bit large. Nothing I can’t wear without them falling off, though.

He lets me walk back into the pool room by myself, but he does pull me back into his lap when we sit down. I can tell that my fierce reaction from being threatened has him concerned. He checks my pulse and the temperature of my forehead several times, watching all of my limbs to make sure they’re finished trembling.

When the door bangs open, I don’t flinch. I soften and sigh.

My man is here.

“What happened?” Dmitri demands, kneeling in front of us.

His hands immediately surround the side of my head, his lips leaning in to brush over my cheeks. I smile, knowing he isn’t just greeting me. He’s feeling the temperature in my face while trying to not actively stress me out with his mothering.