Page 119 of Hidden Empire

“Jade, you’re it for me. If you're not pregnant and you wanted to be, I’d knock you up right now.”

A sharp laugh bursts from my lips, filled with relief.

“Even if our families don’t approve?”

They’ll have to if there’s a baby, won’t they?

“Even if,” he assures me. “Let’s not worry about it until we’re sure, okay? We’ll take a test and go from there.”

I release a shaky breath. “Okay, if you’re sure you’re not mad.”

“I promise I’m not,” he reaffirms, leaning over to catch my lips in a gentle kiss. “I have to tell Ivan,” he adds carefully. “He’ll be able to get us a test.”

Get us a test.

Dimitri never fails to make me feel like we’re on a team. Like he’s on my side no matter what happens, and thank god he isn’t any different right now. I need him.

“Okay,” I agree, swallowing nervously.

Dmitri kisses my head twice, two quick pecks of comfort before heading for his door. He whistles into the hall, and not even three seconds pass before the sound of a door handle rattles. From my spot on the bed, I catch a glimpse of Ivan’s lighter hair.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, peeking into the room.

Dmitri doesn’t respond in English. He effortlessly switches into their language and keeps his volume down. Neither of them makes a move to come in or leave.

They speak Russian to each other in low tones, and I see the moment Dmitri tells his brother what he’s looking for. His blue eyes widen, looking over at me while I sit cozy on Dmitri’s bed. Blankets tucked around me, I offer a shy smile.

Exchanging more hushed words, Ivan nods and dips back into the hallway.

“He’ll be right back,” my man says, coming to the edge of the bed to kiss the top of my head.

I nod, relaxing with his touch. “He can get one?”

“Easily,” he states, brushing my cheek with the back of his fingers. “He’ll be discreet.”

“I almost asked Matteo for one,” I admit. “I was scared to bring it up with you, and I knew I could get him to shut up about it for at least a small amount of time if I cried a little.”

I’m expecting a laugh, but I only get his stern eyes. “Krasotka, you should not fear speaking to me. You should not be scared of anything when it comes to me. You’re mine to care for.”

The pure conviction in his words makes my heart soar.

“I know,” I admit. “It’s just so soon. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I don’t want to hold you back.” Babies aren’t easy and with him becoming Pakhan, a kid would certainly alter his life. Maybe not in a good way.

“You’re not,” he denies simply. “You could never hold me back, Jade.”

I don’t get the chance to tell him that I could be if this is really happening before Ivan slips into the room.

“Holy shit, that was fast,” I comment, noting the brown paper bag in his hands.

Ivan looks like he can’t decide whether he should laugh to lighten the mood or come hug me to offer comfort. “All we have in stock right now is the old style, two lines pregnant, one line, not. Even if it's a faint second line though, it's two.”

No pressure.

“Do you want to?” Dmitri asks, taking the bag from Ivan and pulling out the small pink and blue package.

Even though I’m nervous, I nod adamantly. “I want to know.”

“Do you want me to go in with you?”