Her inexperience meant she didn’t quite know what worked best for her own pleasure, which he, quite happily, spent the next hour helping to find what made her tick, gasp, and tremble, and then cascade into the envied female orgasm, which seemed to arrest her entire body and lock the muscles in her throat, leaving her incapable of speech.
“I didn’t…” she managed after a dreamy, languid stretch under him, legs entwined with his, “think I’d be so eager to go that far. I imagined… getting awkward and having to ask you to stop.”
“I think you underestimated your own desires,” he said, grinning like an idiot. Cuddling up to her, spent for an hour or two. “For the record, this has been a lot of fun.”
She flushed, half swatting at him and then curling up, all shy. It was an odd time to get shy, but whatever.
She giggled as he nuzzled into her neck, kissed it, and then tickled her soft stomach before they got into a tussle that he allowed her to win. She straddled him, rather satisfied with the new position.
Oh. Oh god. She wanted more...
Chapter Seven – Holly
When she woke up and remembered what had happened last evening, she let out a small squeal and kicked her legs. The excitement, the joy – was difficult to contain in such a tiny body. She kicked a few more times as if her legs were loaded with springs and her blanket toppled off.
Back in her own bed, after she crept to her dorm room at some ungodly hour in the night, a part of her wished she’d been bolder and just stayed with Arlo in his bed. The long, indulgent sex marathon had left both of them with hair rumpled, lips swollen, and skin flushed as they got lost in the closeness of one another.
The last session Holly herself had attempted before was nothing like this. The sheer, undulating passion – the constant heat licking through her body, the ache from her hips and thighs… yeah. She’d been missing out. Also, she might have completely exhausted Arlo’s stamina.
A few more kicks ensued, along with an aggressive grab of her pillow to squeal in it again. God, she hadn’t felt like this since she was fifteen. Her thoughts were somewhat sober, however, when she remembered that she’d allowed herself to be roped into another investigation involving dead bodies and potentially psychotic spirits.
That… was not sexy to think about.
She sighed, trying to push away the unpleasant memory of Charles Suntooth’s possession, though even with the sheer horror of losing control of her body, the echoes of his emotions still drifted to the surface. No. She wanted to remember Arlo. Yet her mind treacherously kept creeping back to Charles Suntooth and those complicated, hateful emotions.
He really hadn’t expected betrayal. He’d been so surprised at whatever happened. She didn’t know if that meant anything.
Her smile picked up again when she got a good morning text from Arlo.
“Hope you remember a lot about last night because I do ;)”
She grinned but didn’t respond, instead going for her early-morning routine. No lessons today. Students, of course, could study if they wished, and some teachers did offer extra lessons, but it wasn’t a requirement. No lessons, and yet she still woke up stupidly early. With some coffee, a luxurious hair brushing, then sneakily using her brush as a back scrub, she felt good to go.
Since the day outside promised to be properly dismal and foggy, that meant a long-sleeved top, jeans, and a jacket tied around her waist in case it got colder. Early fall still had some warm days, even as the leaves on the trees gradually changed color and fell, leaving piles of them to kick through.
A gloomy, foggy day. And most likely, they would have to go back to the village and stomp around the well. Delightful.
Sure enough, as she prepared to take a nice, lonely morning stroll around the gardens, she received a text from Z’Hana, noting that they would be visiting the village at noon, and she expected to see Holly there.
“If you do not wish to come, please inform me in advance. However, I think that, in particular, we will need your sensitivity to put an end to this fifteen-year-old mystery.”
No pressure. The flattery was nice, at least, and made Holly feel slightly less bad about her own performance the day before, though she really wished she had received more training to deal with and resist spirits that became too rambunctious and preferably before walking out to some odd location and maybe even crossing over into the enchanted woodland, which might not be the wisest thing for them to do.
Just as she started thinking about telling her friends, another text popped up – this one from Chloe.
“Uh, so, I kind of had a vision with Harrow, and after we both talked about it, we think it might be something to do with you?”
A vision? This sounded… ominous. “Really?”
“We’re not totally confident, but we thought it best to mention it anyway. The vision involved something underground. It was dark, but there was something in the darkness. The door slammed on you. That’s it.”
“That’s… it?” That was frustratingly vague. “Was I in danger?”
“That’s the thing. We don’t know if it was a warning of danger. I mean, doors slamming behind you in creepy dark places is some cause for concern, but in the vision, you didn’t seem panicked. That’s all I can tell you. Sorry for the, uh, vision dump this early in the morning. We don’t often get ones that might actually be related to people close to us.”
“Thank you!” Holly said. She debated telling them that she was most likely going to the well again. A well seemed like an appropriately dark and creepy place, but wells didn’t generally have doors. Still, she re-read the message a few times, wondering… should she actually refuse to go? It might be safest. But then… Arlo would be alone, except for Z’Hana, who had powers of her own, but they weren’t powers related to the dead.