“I don’t understand.” Ivy shook her head. “Why are they still after me?”
Since arriving at Gigi’s house an hour ago, she’d taken a shower, cleaned up her scrapes, and changed into clean, comfy clothes. Her favorite dress was outside in Gigi’s trash can. Now she sat next to Rami on the living room couch while they examined her dire circumstances.
“I think they’re after you because of me. I pissed them off by taking you and killing their men. And I don’t think they’re going to quit.”
Terror climbed her spine as she remembered the man from the parking lot. Part of her wanted to leap from her sister’s couch and run until her body gave out.
Only there was nowhere to run.
They knew her name. Knew what she looked like. She could run, but not forever.
She also couldn’t expect Rami and his business associates to keep her safe. Yeah, sure, they were bodyguards. But the threats they protected against were probably begrudging clients, obsessed exes, and maybe stalkers.
A Mexican cartel, though?
They’d need an army. And they didn’t have it. Tears welled in her eyes. Rami was talking but she couldn’t pick up a single word. Only his reassuring tone penetrated the blinding anxiety that made her lungs scream for air.
Thank god Gigi and Todd were gone for the weekend. But what about Rami, August, Toth, Taschen...
She’d been naïve to think her rescue wouldn’t have repercussions. And until now, it hadn’t occurred to her that those repercussions could harm others.
The very people who’d helped her in the first place.
If it came down to it, she’d surrender herself before she let Rami or anyone else get hurt.
“Are you listening?” Rami’s question punched through the white noise screeching in her head.
She shook her head and the tears fell.
“Hey.” Rami hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap, so she was straddling him. His hand went to the back of her head, and he gently massaged her scalp.
Closing her eyes, she let his leathery scent surround her and reveled in the cocoon of his arms, burying her nose into the crook of his neck.
“You’re safe. Got it? I won’t let anything happen to you.”
She wanted to scream that she wouldn’t be able to handle going back to the camper. Wouldn’t be able to stand another hit of the drugs. She’d rather die. But this wasn’t just about her anymore. “I don’t want you in the middle of this,” she whispered close to his ear.
He pulled her back to stare into her face. A scowl trenched his forehead and his eyes sparked with menace, making the tattoo on his face that much more formidable. “I am in the middle of this, Ivy. I’m right in the fucking middle of you and them and I’m staying here. They won’t touch you again.”
She blinked rapidly. “And if they do?”
“I’d like to see them try,” he spat. “And if they get through me, we have three other men who’ll stand between you and them.”
She placed her palm on his cheek. “I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want you hurt because they’re after me. I’d rather—”
He caught her wrist, his grip unrelenting. “Don’t even finish that sentence.”
She swallowed. His temper made her insides quake, but not because she was afraid he’d hurt her—because she was afraid he’d do something to endanger himself.
“Okay.” She nodded.
“Do you trust me?” He asked the question on a wisp of air. It was the softest she’d ever heard his voice. He seemed afraid to hear the answer.
“Yes.” She didn’t miss a beat. The answer was simple. She’d walk into fire with Rami knowing she’d make it out the other side unscathed.
His lips quirked. “Good.”