Page 19 of Rami

Rami’s stomach sank, and he cupped Ivy’s slim hand in his. A hospital was out of the question. At least on this side of the border. Even once they crossed into California, it’d be too close. The cartel would be after them, even more so now because Rami had blasted their men to pieces.

Not like he’d had much choice. The only thing worse than being caught in the desert would be the cartel getting their plate number and following them home. Hitting their families.

The leaders would be pissed off, but the grenade had bought them time.

“We can’t go to a hospital,” Rami wheezed.

“No shit.” August took out an alcohol wipe and scrubbed the skin on top of Ivy’s wrist. “Keep the light on for me.”

Rami picked up the headlamp and shined it down on Ivy’s arm. Small round scabs marred her forearm. Rami’s gut twisted into knots.

August paused and ran his thumb over the marks. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he murmured.

Rage burned Rami’s insides. Every predatory instinct within him made him want to turn the van around and obliterate everyone at the compound. “Bastards.” His hand grew warm around Ivy’s much colder one. “Any idea what they gave her?”

August shook his head. “Not without a toxicology, but probably heroin.” He lifted a shoulder. “Maybe even a sedative like Rohypnol.”

Rami’s hand shook with unspent fury. “Why do that? What’s the point in taking her to keep her drugged up in a trailer?”

Having sterilized the skin on her wrist, August got the IV hooked to a needle. He flicked his gaze up. “I don’t even want to think about what they did to her. Not right now. But at the very least, they were waiting for a buyer.” He tied an elastic band around her arm and prodded her skin. After a minute, he let out an exasperated sigh. “She’s too dehydrated. I don’t know if her veins will hold.”

“We have to get the IV in,” Rami hissed.

“Obviously. But let’s try to wake her. I’ll feel better if we can get some fluids in her first. I don’t want her veins to collapse.”

August took the flashlight and held it on her face. “Ivy,” he called. “I-Vee.”


The syllables of her name filled her head. For the first time in a long time, her body felt comfortable. Not too warm. Not on an unrelenting surface. And the smell was... pleasant? Weird.

A thick, solid hand curled around hers, gently shaking her.

Light penetrated the slits in her eyelids, and she turned away with a moan. The sound of her name grew more insistent.


Oh god. He was touching her. She tried to take stock of her body to see if he’d succeeded in violating her, but her nerve endings were too numb from whatever drugs still coursed through her system.

“Ivy!” The sharp command made her jump, and her eyes snapped open to land on a chiseled face.

Definitely not Wayne’s.

Had they sold her?

“Hey, honey. It’s August. You might not remember me. It’s been a while. We met a couple times. I’m a friend of your sister’s.”

Ivy fought to absorb the assault of words hitting her brain. Sister. Friend... August.

That was familiar. The best sex her sister had ever had. What were the odds this guy had the same name? Funny. She almost laughed at the thought. God, she missed Gigi. She floated back to her void, her skin fuzzy with comfort and—

“Ivy.” This time the voice was someone else’s. Someone angrier. She forced open her eyes and stared at the man hovering near her face.

Dark hair waved back from his olive-toned forehead. Fierce blue eyes held her gaze with intensity, challenging her to stay in the present and not slip back to the dreamless place. His eyes were mesmerizing, so clear and light compared to his dark eyebrows and five-o’clock shadow.

Had she died and gone to Heaven? Did Heaven have hot angels? I mean, why not?

“You need to drink,” the man said. His voice sounded distant, his lips not in sync with the sound of his words, like some poorly edited voice-over. Something ran over his right eye—a neat black line. She tried to study it, but her gaze kept wavering.