Gigi shook her head. “There must be a mistake.”
“I heard him upstairs, Gig. He was speaking to someone named... Fernando.”
“I—I don’t understand. Who’s Fernando?”
“The man in charge of my kidnapping.” As the words left Ivy’s mouth, her stomach plummeted. She grimaced and toyed with the skin at the base of her throat.
Gigi’s eyes widened, and she backed up several steps. “W-What?” But her shock quickly turned to fury. Her shoulders bunched and her hands knotted into fists at her sides. She turned on her heel. “Todd!”
Ivy followed her to the hallway that led to the foyer. Rami had Todd up against the wall, his gun near Todd’s face.
“Todd!” This time, Gigi’s shriek made Ivy’s ears ring. “What’s going on?”
Rami gave Todd another shove but released his hold, backing up. “Looks like he was trying to get away.” He nodded at the small bag on the floor.
Terror crept up Ivy’s chest like bile. Todd was going to run—and leave Gigi behind.
Gigi bent to open the bag and pulled out clothes, cash, and a passport. She ripped open the document and stood, her legs visibly shaking. “Anthony Richards?”
“Sweetheart, I can explain.”
“Talk,” Rami growled. “And start with how this involves Ivy.”
Todd’s body went slack, and he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Moisture collected at his lashes, but not a shred of sympathy touched Ivy.
“Tell me, goddammit!” Gigi demanded.
“All right. All right.” He glanced at Ivy then settled his gaze on Gigi. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to go down like this. I—I’ve been laundering the cartel’s money for a few years now.”
Ivy gasped. Rami hooked his arm around her, bringing her to his side.
Gigi let out a cry. “You lied to me.”
Todd sniffed and returned his glasses to his face. “I couldn’t tell you. It was too dangerous. And it was good in the beginning. But then...” He lifted one shoulder. “I skimmed some money.”
“Todd,” Ivy hissed.
Ivy squeezed Rami’s hand. Disgust swarmed inside her, but more than that, pity. Up until minutes ago, Gigi was to marry this man. This lying, scheming sonofabitch.
She bit her tongue so the words didn’t fly from her mouth.
“They found out,” Todd continued. “I didn’t realize they knew until Ivy went missing.” He looked at Ivy. “I’m sorry.”
Ivy glared at him through slits. If she could spit on his apology and make him eat it, she would. His greediness had nearly gotten her killed.
“I don’t understand.” Gigi shook her head. “They took Ivy from—” She gasped and faced Ivy. “You borrowed my car that day.” She clapped a hand to her face. “Oh my god. They thought you were me.” Disbelief strangled her words.
Ivy reached for Gigi’s hand and held it in both of hers. “It’s okay. It’s all done now.”
“No, it’s not.” Rami’s fiery gaze pinned Todd. “Why are you running, you coward?” He kicked the duffel bag, sending the contents scattering over the marble floor.
Todd’s skin turned ashen. He sent a fleeting glance to the front door. “Because they’re coming.”
“I’m calling the police.” Gigi pulled her phone from her pocket, fumbling over the screen.
Todd snatched the device from her hand. “You have no idea who we’re dealing with.”
Gigi yelled something at Todd, but Ivy blocked out their fighting. Rami was tapping the screen of his own phone. When he pocketed it, he met her eyes. “I want you and Gigi to hide. I’ve got this.”