Page 45 of See You Next Month

“I’d never heard it before, but it sounded like how the beach made me feel earlier that day,” Isabella said, taking Kelsey’s hand. “It’s hard to explain.”

“I get it. This place is beautiful. I know we keep saying that, but it is and this song is beautiful as well. It’s like if we could put into music how this place looks and how it makes us feel, it would sound something like this.”

“You do get it!” Isabella exclaimed. “Can you start it over?”

Kelsey punched a button and when the music began, Isabella put her arms around Kelsey’s neck. She felt Kelsey’s hands on her hips, but they weren’t tentative this time. Isabella rested her head on Kelsey’s shoulder as they began to move to the music.

This gift was better than the jewelry or things her husband had given her on various occasions because this meant something to Kelsey, too. Isabella’s heart pounded and electricity flowed through her body. She could feel Kelsey’s fingers on her lower back where her shirt didn’t quite meet her shorts and warmth shot through her body.

Isabella moved her hands across Kelsey’s back and could feel the heat of her skin through the thin shirt she wore. Suddenly, Isabella was aware of every place their bodies touched. She inhaled and could smell the sweetness of Kelsey’s skin underneath the sun and sand of the day.

Isabella closed her eyes, wanting to burn this moment into her memory. She wanted to remember how it felt to have Kelsey’s arms around her. She wanted to remember the scents, the cool breeze, and the music. Mostly she wanted to remember how her heart was beating with Kelsey’s. She’d never felt this close to another soul. Is that what was happening? Was Kelsey’s soul talking to Isabella’s?

“Merry Christmas, Bella,” Kelsey said softly.

Isabella raised her head and pulled back until she could see into Kelsey’s eyes. “I’ll always remember this.”

“Me, too.” Kelsey smiled. “This is your gift, but it’s been so long since I danced with another woman I’d forgotten how much I love it, so it’s a gift to me, too.”

Isabella smiled. “I’ve never danced with a woman. Going forward, I’m not sure I want to dance with anyone else but you.” She hadn’t even thought about them being two women in the moment. It was Kelsey. Yes, she knew Kelsey was gay, but that didn’t matter to Isabella right then. They were enjoying a dance as a Christmas gift. It didn’t have to be anything other than that, did it?

Kelsey chuckled. “This can be our thing when we come to Coral Bay.”

“I love that idea,” Isabella said. She shook her head. “You’ve got a romantic streak in you that’s wider than this island.”

Kelsey smiled. “I admit it.”

Isabella grinned. “We’re selling romance, Kels. It’s a good thing.”

“I hope you don’t mind me being sappy and romantic from time to time,” Kelsey said as the song ended. “It’s so easy with you.”

Isabella dropped her hands and furrowed her brow. “Easy with me?”

“Yes, it’s easy to be myself with you and sometimes romance may come out. If it makes you uncomfortable?—”

“It doesn’t.” Isabella stopped Kelsey mid-sentence. “It makes me feel special, Kels, so thank you.”

“Thank you. It’s nice to do something for someone else, you know?”

“No, I wouldn’t know. I’m a self-centered, brand-minded influencer. We don’t do for others,” Isabella teased.

“Oh my God! You are not those things!” Kelsey protested then laughed.

“Watch out, Kels. You never know,” Isabella said. “Let’s walk.”

They left their shoes on the deck and walked out onto the sand. “The moon is beautiful,” Kelsey said.

“This Christmas has been much better than I expected,” Isabella said, “thanks to you and our new friends.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever forget it,” Kelsey said.

“We’re doing it again next year, so you’ll have something to compare it to,” Isabella said.

“Wow, that’s something to think about,” Kelsey said. “I wonder what we’ll be doing this time next year.”

“I hope we’ll be on this beach together celebrating Christmas with our families,” Isabella said.

“Let’s make it happen,” Kelsey said.