Page 38 of See You Next Month

Isabella smiled. “You were merry when I needed it, so don't argue with me.”

“Yes ma’am,” Kelsey replied with a little salute.

Isabella chuckled. “Wyatt and Gus are having a great time, but they miss me.”

“Aww, Bella.”

“I know,” Isabella said as tears pooled in her eyes. “I’m glad they miss me, but I don’t want them to be sad.”

“Have they already opened their gifts from you?”

“No, Spencer is bringing them home on New Year’s Day. I explained they’d get to have two Christmases, one in New York and one at home. I think they’re just ready to come home,” Isabella said. “Have you already opened gifts with Dana and Emma?”

Kelsey smiled. “We’re doing the same thing as you. Emma flies home New Year’s Day and Dana comes off the mountain that day. They’ll spend the rest of their break with me.”

“I thought I’d go over to the gift shop and get the boys something from the Virgin Islands,” Isabella said.

“Do you mind if I come with you? I’d like to get the girls T-shirts. I noticed a couple of cute ones the day we got here,” Kelsey said.

“Would I mind?” Isabella looked at her with surprise. “We are still a couple, Kelsey Kenny. It’s you and me, babe. Remember?”

Kelsey laughed and that’s just what Isabella needed to raise her spirits.

“I will never mind you being with me, Kels. Just so you know.”

Kelsey nodded. “How about breakfast and a little retail therapy?”

Isabella held out her arm for Kelsey. “Perfect.”

They had breakfast then went to the gift shop. As they browsed the souvenir options, Kelsey held up a turtle to show Isabella. “I only know Gus from what you’ve told me, but what about this sea turtle for him?”

“Oh, that’s cool. I think he’d like that,” Isabella said.

“Didn’t you tell me Wyatt plays baseball? I saw some nice caps over there. I may get one for myself,” Kelsey said.

“Okay.” Isabella started towards the caps and stopped to look through a rack of T-shirts. “Kelsey, take a look at these. They’re cute.”

“This one looks like Emma and…” Kelsey looked through the other T-shirts until she pulled out another. “This one is for Dana. Thanks, Bella.”

“What about this one for you?” Isabella said, holding it up.

Kelsey grinned and reached for it. “I love it.”

Isabella snatched it back. “Wait a second. I want a picture of all three of you in these on New Year’s Day,” Isabella said with a bright smile.

“Aren’t you going to get one?” Kelsey asked. “Wait… Let me find yours.”

Kelsey handed Isabella the other shirts and went to another rack. “This one's for you,” she said, holding up another T-shirt.

Isabella smiled. “I’d choose that for myself.”

“I know you would.” Kelsey grinned.

Isabella raised her eyebrows. “So you think you know me?”

Kelsey nodded. “You know me already.” She took the shirts from Isabella and held them up. “And you know my girls.”

Isabella chuckled and shrugged. They went to pay for their purchases and Isabella was struck by how well they had gotten to know each other in such a short time. The shirts they had chosen for each other were totally different yet fit them individually, but that wasn’t so unusual since they’d seen each other’s styles from what they’d worn so far. However, it was a little surprising that they had both chosen gifts for each other’s kids that they would like. I guess we listen to each other.