“Then why don’t you live together?” Christine asked.

“Whoa!” Cory exclaimed.

“Told ya so,” CeCe teased. “Cory’s on the hotseat.”

“We are acting like bougie people who have more than one home,” Vi explained. “I think CeCe and Alexis did the same thing.” Vi winked at them, hoping to drag them into this as well.

“Nice try,” Alexis said. “But we are now living in this sweet little bungalow together.”

“Oh, this is fun,” Elena commented quietly to Cat.

“Isn’t it though,” Cat said.

“For everyone’s information, our friend Ella is keeping an eye out for a house for us,” Cory explained. “Now, how about those drink orders?”

Vi stood at the end of the island with Alexis as Cory mixed up a batch of tasty cocktails with and without alcohol. “How did you and CeCe decide to live here? Did y’all look at houses?”

“I loved her house because it felt like a home,” Alexis began. “So, I sold my house which was entirely too big for one person and we bought new furniture. We also went through our closets and donated things we rarely wore. That made it possible to fit our clothes into the two closets in the primary bedroom. Choosing the furniture together transformed the house into our home. It’s nothing like it was when CeCe lived here alone.”

“What a great idea. I love Cory’s home. It’s not big, but why would we need a huge house?” Vi said.

“Exactly. We didn’t need a big house either.”

“I’ve thought about selling my townhouse and investing in a certain business that I think is going to be wildly successful.”

Alexis chuckled. “Oh, I think I might know the property you’re speaking about.”

Vi grinned. “We could do the same thing and buy new furniture. I love that Cory’s house is so close to the shopping center.”

“We’re really happy with how things turned out,” Alexis said. “Now, I don’t guess you and Cory will be following behind us in the marriage department, would y’all?”

Vi raised her eyebrows. “How funny. My mother asked me the same thing today. I think her comment was: why wait?”

Alexis laughed. “I like your mother.”

“Are you and CeCe waiting and hoping for the big wedding that Christine won?” Vi asked.

“They’d better be!” Christine said from behind them.

Vi and Alexis both jumped. “Where did you come from?” Vi asked.

Christine laughed. “Oh, I’m always around, especially when there’s wedding talk that involves my girls.”

“Vi was telling me that you are newly engaged,” Josie said from where she stood next to Christine. “Congratulations.”

“How did they sneak up on us?” Vi asked Alexis.

All Alexis could do was shrug and smile. “Thank you.”

“Has Cory told you about the big wedding?” Christine asked.

Vi watched as Josie looked over at Cory who was staring at Vi, pleading for help.

“She’s your mother, babe.” Vi shrugged.

Cory’s eyes widened as she looked back down at the drink she was mixing.

Christine chuckled. “Several years ago one of the exclusive bridal shops in Dallas had a contest. Of course, I entered. What could be better than a huge wedding with three brides and their partners?”