“Please take pictures.”

Vi laughed. “I’ll try to remember to do that.”

“Have a great time,” Diane said.

“Thank you.”

Vi went back to her office and got her purse. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Penny,” she said, walking past her assistant.

“I’m happy to cover for you if you want to come in a little late in the morning.”

Vi stopped and turned around to stare at her.

“I overheard you in Diane’s office.”

“It’s just a date, Penny.”

“Okay. You can say that, but we both know it’s more.”

Vi’s mouth fell open. How could Penny know how much this meant to her? She’d barely mentioned Cory’s name around the office.

“It’s how you say her name.” Penny smiled. “Have a nice time, Vi.”

Vi nodded and smiled. “Thanks, Penny.”

As she drove to CeCe’s salon, Vi thought back over the past few weeks. She couldn’t remember talking about Cory but a handful of times.

What was Cory Sloan doing to her? The purposeful businesswoman that Vi used to be was now showing emotion at her office. She prided herself on not letting emotion cloud her judgment where business was concerned and it had served her well.

If Penny and Diane had both noticed a change in Vi, then she was beginning to think that she hadn’t hidden her feelings for Cory very well at all.

Vi smiled and shook her head. “Falling in love with Cory Sloan has changed everything.” Come to think of it, Cory lived life out loud. She was bold, affable, and generous. Someone like Cory created a big love so no wonder Vi couldn’t hide it. Vi was pretty sure Cory felt the same way, but there was just a hint of doubt. Once they had resolved their business struggles, the rest had followed rather quickly.

But Cory said her heart had been waiting for someone and Vi was that someone.

“Yep, I’m telling her tonight,” Vi said as she pulled into the parking lot.

She went into The Liquor Box first, hoping to catch Cory before she left for their date.

“Hi Randi,” Vi said. “We haven’t met—”

“Oh, I know who you are,” Randi said from behind the counter. “You’re Cory’s girlfriend.”

Vi smiled. “I am. I’m Vi Valdez,” she said, holding out her hand.

Randi shook it and smiled as Taylor walked up from the back of the store.

“Hi, Taylor,” Vi said. “I’m really here to see CeCe, but I thought I might catch Cory.”

“You just missed her. Y’all have fun tonight,” Taylor said.

“Thanks,” Vi said, looking at the grins on both of their faces.

She walked over to CeCe’s salon wondering just how big of a deal this date was becoming.

“Hey,” CeCe said. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah.” Vi shook her head. “Taylor and Randi just wished us a good time tonight.”