Cory loaded the last case of tequila into the back of her pickup truck. She had several deliveries to make this afternoon and evening.


Cory turned around to see CeCe waving at her from the back door of her salon. She waved back and walked over to her little sister.

“Hi,” Cory said as she got closer.

“Are you off to make deliveries?”

“Yep. I’m going to Betty’s and then to the Neon Rose.”

CeCe smiled. “Those are our old haunts.”

“Just because you haven’t been to them lately doesn’t mean I haven’t,” Cory said.

“I hope it’s okay, but I invited Alexis to come to your birthday drinks on Friday.”

“The more the merrier.” Cory gave her sister a sly smile.


“You know what,” Cory replied, raising her eyebrows. “Please admit you have a crush on Dr. Alexis Reed because I’m quite certain she has a crush on you.”

A smile grew on CeCe’s face.

“Good for you, sis.” Cory grinned. “I’ve got to go.”

“I wish I could go with you. A beer at Betty’s sounds divine right about now.”

Cory chuckled. “I’ll think about you when I take my first sip.”

“Thanks a lot…bitch.”

Cory laughed. “Then go with me!”

“I can’t. I have two more clients before my day is done.”

“Come over when you get through and we can have a beer at my little happy hour bar,” Cory said, walking back to her pickup.

“Sounds good. See ya,” CeCe waved, going back into Salon 411.

Cory was still laughing when she got in her pickup and drove away. She and CeCe and Cat had their differences from time to time, but Cory knew, no matter what, two people would always be on her side. Sometimes she was closer to CeCe and other times it was Cat. Cory considered herself lucky she always had someone in her corner if she needed to talk. There may have been times they fought more than agreed, but she wouldn’t change growing up with two little sisters for anything in the world.

Cory smiled, thinking back on their antics growing up. She was the oldest and CeCe was only two years younger than her. Cat didn’t come along until five years after that. Cory and CeCe loved to torment her when they were younger, but they also were her protectors if need be. Cat was more reserved than Cory and CeCe and sometimes her quietness was mistaken for softness. Cat was tough. She was going through a hard time right now, but Cory knew she’d be okay.

Enough reminiscing, Cory thought as she pulled into the parking lot of Betty’s Bar. This was one of her favorite places and she’d worked here a couple of summers before she graduated from college and occasionally worked weekends when they needed help after that.

She unloaded the dolly from the back of the pickup and stacked cases on it before wheeling it toward the building.

“Hello!” she called, opening the back door and backing through it with the dolly.

“She drinks, she bartends, she supplies, and now she delivers!”

Cory laughed. “Hi Chris. Do you want all of this back here or do you need some up at the bar?”

“Let’s put these three back here and take that case of wine to the bar. Did you bring the beer?”

“Yep, it’s in the back of my truck,” Cory replied.