
“Yeah, the one about CeCe not dating her clients.”

“There’s no story. She said she didn’t date clients and I told her I’d go to Ryan from then on.” Alexis laughed.

“I think it says a lot that you were willing to change stylists,” Erin commented.

“I really wanted to go out with her.”

“It’s obvious you make each other happy. Don’t let that scare you, Alexis.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I know you. Someone like you doesn’t remain single unless they want to be,” Erin stated.

Alexis nodded. She wasn’t afraid, but she wasn’t ready to proclaim her love either. She and CeCe both agreed this wasn’t a fling, but they were dating. That was enough for now.

Alexis looked on and couldn’t help feeling proud of her girlfriend. CeCe was such a wonderful person and her friends were finding it out.

CeCe walked up with a glass of water just as Desi joined Alexis and Erin.

“Hey, Desi, Cory mentioned she has volleyball practice tomorrow. Is the league starting back up?”

“Yep. Are you going to play this year?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. I fill in on her team occasionally when someone can’t make it.”

“Is the league at your fitness center, Desi?” Alexis asked. “I’m sorry, I can’t remember the name of it.”

Desi smiled at Alexis. “It’s okay. If you’d come work out with us, you’d remember the name,” she chuckled. “It’s called Your Way.”

“Hey!” Erin exclaimed. “You two should come do yoga with me. Stella is the best instructor!”

“Better than your wife?” Desi asked.

Erin smiled and put her arm around Desi. “Come on, babe. You know Stella is the best yoga teacher around. Your strengths are better in other areas.”

“Would those other areas have anything to do with fitness?” CeCe teased.

“Hey now!” Desi exclaimed.

Alexis looked on and appreciated the banter between Erin and Desi. She realized that she and CeCe had that too. Alexis hadn’t stopped to think about the fact that she now had a girlfriend. As surprising as it was to her friends, it still surprised Alexis at times. But she didn’t just have a girlfriend, her girlfriend was an incredible woman who thought Alexis was incredible, too. Alexis never imagined she’d be in a relationship again, but here she was and she loved it.


Alexis pulled away from the curb and smiled at CeCe. “Did you have a good time?”

CeCe grinned. “I had a great time.” She reached for Alexis's hand and held it in her lap. This had become the most natural thing for her to do when Alexis was driving.

“I was surprised that several of the guys were interested in me cutting their hair,” CeCe said.

“Michael is very conscious of how he looks,” Alexis commented.

“Kent—that’s Mary’s husband, right?”

“Right,” Alexis replied.

“He took my number and so did Steve. He’s one of the doctors in your clinic,” CeCe stated.