Page 97 of Stargazer



I watched her. I couldn’t help but be mesmerised by the sight of her smiling in the rain, drenched and beautiful even in the darkness that seemed to have swallowed the sun.

She was a sight to behold. Her wet hair pooling around her, looking like a siren that had ensnared me in her song.

I was utterly enraptured by her.

The white straps of her now see-through tank had fallen off her shoulder, but she made no move to readjust them as she watched me back with equal infatuation. She was taking me in as hungrily as I was taking her in, fuelling my desire further.

I wanted her to kiss me again. I didn’t care what it meant or if it led to nothing. All I wanted was to taste her once more.

As if she read my mind, she drew closer.

The water lapped around our bodies, getting harsher with the turbulent weather.

Yet I stilled.

If she wanted me, she’d have to make the move. She’d need to admit it to herself. She knew how I felt.

I expected her to stop, to realise what she was doing and retreat, to build up her walls again. But still she drew closer. So I allowed myself to give her a nudge, pulling her face with just enough pressure to show her that I wanted it too. That I wasn’t going to pull back or run away.

It spurred her on.

And her lips slowly pressed to mine.


Thunder crashed again, the sound reverberating between the mountains surrounding us, looming over the lake like sleeping giants.

It seemed to echo the storm between us. The one that was building and building until it could no longer be contained.

I knew that’s what this was, even as it seemed to encourage her, to drive her; a release of all that electricity that had been attracting and shifting with all the hot and cold we kept playing. This was just that: a rapid discharge of all that attraction.

But I’d take it.

I’d take anything and everything she’d give me.

Each time.

My hands moved from her neck, trailing down the curves of her body that were hidden from me by the depths of water. I wanted to feel every part of her. Remind myself what it felt like to have my hands roaming her delicious contours.

They eventually settled on her waist, bringing her towards me as her own hands found my neck, delicate fingers holding me firmly in place as she drew herself impossibly closer.

Her lips explored mine with building pressure. The more she got, the more she gave.

And I returned everything she offered.

She lifted herself out of the water slightly, using my body as a foundation to drive her higher as she kissed me fervently.

I’d be whatever she needed me to be. I’d offer myself to her happily—wholeheartedly—if it meant I got to keep her. At least for this moment.

And until she decided, I’d keep offering myself to her. Keep being her strength. Her pillar.

I needed her. And by the rough way she clung to me, I knew she needed me to.

Her hands curled painfully into my wet hair, holding me tight. And all I wanted was more.