Page 83 of Stargazer

“Winter’s pretty hot,” he stated. His voice reached me even from the distance I’d put between us.

I knew my body stiffened but I forced movement back into my stubborn limbs and continued forward. “She is,” I said through gritted teeth, glad he couldn’t see my face.

He chuckled. “Too bad I’m waiting for this girl I like to come around.”

I paused. And then swung around to face him.

Somehow he was closer now. Eating up the space between us like it was nothing.

It was my turn to scrutinise him.

From the way he looked back at me, I knew there was no one else. Knew he wouldn’t even entertain the thought of Winter. Of anyone but me. At least not until I told him too.

My gaze involuntarily softened and I gave him the smallest hint of a smile. Then I turned and continued up the path with him following behind.

When we got closer to the shed, I knew River would be waiting for us, and although we couldn’t yet see him, he’d likely be able to see us. Let’s be honest though, Griffin could probably see that far too. It was just me that was lacking when it came to our little trio.

Offering a lopsided smile, River came out to meet us a moment later. He was dressed in some causal shorts and a charcoal-coloured muscle tank—an oddly dark colour for him, but it was clearly what was left in the cabin, and would blend in well given the environment.

Reunited, we headed off in the other direction.

“Glad you understood me.” Riv pushed his hair back again and grinned warmly at me.

I laughed. “Of course. I’ve had years of practice.”

“That you have.” He held back a low-lying tree branch to let me pass.

“All good with the other pack?” Griffin asked, voice tight once more.

“Yeah, they were just on patrol too. No sign of any rogues from them either tonight.”

“And you couldn’t sense them? What happened, your Spidey senses broken?” Griffin snickered.

A low sort of rumble came out of River. But he controlled the wolf before he spoke. “I’m not taking any chances these days. Unless I can confirm it with my own eyes, all shifters that I don’t know will be considered a threat until proven otherwise.”

Griffin smirked. The look even more menacing in the dark. “Cautious. I like it.”

I was pretty sure that was a compliment. At least I thought it was. But I wasn’t certain when it came to them.

Either way, this had been a long night, and it wasn’t over yet. Keeping these two amicable and entertained was draining without others around to act as a buffer.

Given my previous apprehension to Winter coming to relieve us of our duty for the night, I was now counting down the minutes until I saw her pretty face.



Icould see how they were together. And while I feared losing her, I couldn’t help but be happy for her. Couldn’t help but smile when she smiled, and laugh when she laughed. She seemed to have found her place in life—beside him. No matter how much I wished it different.

She hadn’t told me yet. I didn’t think she’d even admitted it to herself.

We were still trying. Still taking every opportunity to just be together and see if it could work again. And while I knew things were forgiven one hundred percent on both sides—not that there was much I felt I needed to forgive her for—I was beginning to see that things would never return to the way they were before. We had both changed. And her heart had made way for another.

That wouldn’t just go away.

Not that I was giving up. Despite my epiphany after that first full moon we experienced together, I wasn’t giving up on the hope that we could make it work. I’d wait by her side until she made that decision … and maybe even after.

If she did choose me, I’d run back to her with open arms, scoop her up and never let her go again. I’d love her like she deserved to be loved. And spend the rest of my life making up for the past.