He smiled down at me. It didn’t quite reach those honey eyes. “Fine.”
“Okay, but how are you really feeling?” I tried again, elbowing him playfully in the gut.
He gave me a once-over, eyes full of concern. Then let out the breath he seemed to be holding.
“I’d be better if you were coming with me,” he admitted, scrubbing a large hand over his face and then through his hair. He was more fidgety than usual, and I knew this was not how he normally liked to spend the full moon. His wolf seemed all but ready to explode out of him, not handling the threat to his territory well, and his eyes flickered a glowing amber with the strain.
The tension bunching his shoulders wouldn’t be alleviated until this night was over, and it made me sad to think that an occasion that usually brought him buckets of happiness, freedom and camaraderie, was instead bringing him such stress.
He looked uncharacteristically tired and overall a bit haggard. I hoped that even just being out tonight in his canine form would help in some capacity. I’m sure all his wolf wanted was to run in the trees and feel the dirt in his paws—and not for the reasons he was about to.
I wanted to make it go away.
Wanted to see the old River again.
Bright side: it only further fuelled my drive to stop the rogues.
“I’m not here to be your distraction, Riv,” I softly declared, “I’m here to be your ally.” I willed myself to sound firmer so I could force him to acknowledge my words as I comfortingly squeezed his arm. “I’m going to be fine. You focus on looking after your pack and I’ll be right back here when this is done. We’ll celebrate with a beer after for old times’ sake. It’s going to be okay.”
He nodded, and I got the feeling he was trying to convince himself with each movement of his head.
The others started to split off into their groups.
River’s attention snapped to them, watching attentively as the Knights and shifters got into their vehicles or prepared to shift. His gaze scanned them all, mentally ticking them off.
When he was satisfied everything was going smoothly, his focus returned to me and he spun me around, cutting me off from the others and giving us a moment of privacy as his large build shielded us from watching eyes.
“Please be careful. For me,” he said in a hushed tone.
His warm palm cupped my face and then he lowered his head down to mine, pressing his lips to my cheek. When he pulled away, his eyes were pleading.
I placed my hand over his, holding it to my face for a moment longer as I looked him in the eyes.
“You be careful, too.”
A lightness danced across his features at that.
“I’ll see you soon. If you need me at all, just tell Zan and I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”
“I will,” I promised.
He looked like he wanted to say more. Do more. But he shook it off.
His thumb gently rubbed the top of my cheek in a loving way instead, like I was a delicate flower he needed to keep in one piece, and then he let go and stepped around me.
By the time I turned back to look, a beautiful dark wolf with tender amber eyes met my gaze from the tree line.
A fluffy black and white wolf flanked his side—Bear. His piercing light-blue eyes held mine for a moment and he gave me a gruff nod.
Then they shot off into the trees in a dark blur.
“Remember, hunter. Try to aim your daggers at the bad wolves. I know your aim isn’t the greatest but they’re the scruffy ones that look like they haven’t showered in years,” Zander taunted.
The obnoxious wolf was accompanying Venus and I tonight. We had attempted to organise the units so that one wolf was designated to each, giving them an opportunity to telepathically communicate with the rogues if the need arose.