Page 54 of Stargazer

I didn’t think she’d be braiding their fur any time soon, I just thought it would be good for her to improve her skills and not only train at home, but also gain some exposure to the wolves so she could start to comprehend this was her new reality. She didn’t need to love it, but she did need to be able to keep herself safe. As a numbers girl, she understood the risk she faced by being in these circles without proper training, which was probably the sole reason she gave into my incessant begging.

She and Griffin chatted among themselves on the drive over about their mutual dislike of the wolves while I did what I did best: mulled over everything.

Staring blankly out the passenger seat window, I watched the trees blur into one as Griff controlled the car with a lethal combination of precision and speed through the winding roads. The background noise of the two of them was a nice change though. I let it soothe me, a small smile gracing my lips at the thought of how well they were getting along.

At least until we pulled up to the pack house and I remembered that Kit, Billie and Carter still needed to meet River.

My worries seemed to fade away as I stepped out of the car and saw Riv standing on the porch waiting to greet us, the large wooden door open and inviting, ready to welcome the Knights.

He looked calm and collected. Affable and warm.

I walked straight to him and he opened his arms to me.

“Morning, Angel.” He pulled me in, kissing the top of my head. I felt his hold momentarily tighten ever so slightly, like his wolf was taking the lead and needed the extra moment. When I looked up, he was grinning down at me. A goofy, beautiful smile.

“Morning,” I breathed out. Mesmerised by him like I had always been. He glowed with a supernatural aura.

“You look beautiful,” he grinned. “As always.”

The corners of my mouth raised higher.

I turned slighter at the sound of numerous car doors slamming and knew that the Knights had arrived and would be taking in their surroundings.

“I have some people for you to meet,” I nervously offered.

He laughed. “I can see that.”

Zander stood a step beside him—acting as his backup but also as his temporary emissary with Axel away. Now that his thing with Griffin was sorted, he was much more accommodating and back to his usual, cheery self.

Thank God for that.

Turning around, Griff was leaning on his car door, not really listening to Carter who was animatedly talking to him, but instead keeping his eyes fixed on the floor, nodding every so often so it seemed like he was paying attention to his friend. I had a feeling he was instead putting his heightened hearing to good use and eavesdropping on my conversation with the Alpha. Carter noticed his lack of attention and whacked him in the chest, which earned the British bad boy a murderous look.

Kit and Billie were chatting enthusiastically to Celeste—the three of them had warmed up to each other instantly it seemed, without me even needing to foster the friendship. From what I could hear, I was guessing the girls saw my sister and immediately approached her with excitement. Cel would likely have reciprocated it, both parties equally as eager to meet the person—or persons—from the countless stories I had told.

Based on River’s silence, it seemed he was also patiently taking in the scene and the Knights at his doorstep.

When I caught Kitana’s attention, she was grinning at something my sister had said.

I waved them over and she immediately put on her serious, ass-kicking warrior face. My heart rate quickened.

Nervously glancing at the other two cars, the hunters were still slowly filing out.

Kit was first to reach us, her confidence never wavering as she stuck her hand out to the Alpha.

“It’s nice to meet you, River.” She said his name like a gentle threat. “I am glad you aren’t a murdering human killer. But if you hurt Vee again, I won’t hesitate to neuter you.” She gave him a terrifying smile that did nothing to suggest she was joking. The pleasure she would get from being able to act on that threat made it even scarier. I just stared at her with wide eyes, which she ignored, her own not leaving the Alpha’s.

“Ahh,” Riv rubbed the back of his neck, “noted.” He laughed nervously. “Kitana, I presume?”

He’d clearly taken a guess based on the description I’d given him—feisty little blonde. Or something along those lines.

“Yep.” She held her chin high, and I noticed the smug look on Griffin’s face at the attitude she was giving the wolf.

I shook my head, ready to intervene, but Riv cleared his throat.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kitana. And if the day came that I did ever hurt Vee again, I would willingly come to you to do just that.” He said the words just as seriously, although there was a friendly, trustworthy nature to his tone. He added, “I don’t plan on ever letting that happen again though.”

For a moment she looked surprised. Then her lips tilted up in amusement. “Good,” she huffed before moving on to Zander who greeted her with a flirty “hello”. Every day would be a field day for the Beta with all the new and sexy badass females that would be around the pack house going forward.